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cause to the high court.<br />

--v. 5 make, induce: What causes hot air to rise? 6 effect,<br />

bring on or about, give rise to, result in, produce, create,<br />

precipitate, occasion, lead to, induce, generate, provoke,<br />

promote; engender; motivate, compel: Overeating causes<br />

indigestion.<br />

caustic adj. 1 burning, corrosive, destructive, mordant, astringent:<br />

Sulphuric acid is the caustic agent that eats away the metal. 2<br />

sarcastic, biting, acrimonious, sharp, bitter, biting, sardonic,<br />

cutting, trenchant, critical, scathing, acid, harsh, pungent,<br />

virulent: His caustic remarks do not earn him many friends.<br />

caution n. 1 warning, admonition, admonishment, caveat, monition,<br />

advice, counsel, injunction: A word of caution is needed before<br />

you go ahead. 2 wariness, prudence, care, vigilance,<br />

forethought, heed, watchfulness, alertness, circumspection,<br />

discretion: Drivers should exercise extra caution in bad<br />

weather.<br />

--v. 3 warn, admonish, forewarn, tip (off); advise, counsel:<br />

Some employees had to be cautioned about arriving on time.<br />

cautious adj. wary, heedful, careful, prudent, circumspect, watchful,<br />

vigilant, alert, circumspect, discreet, guarded: They were very<br />

cautious about letting their children go out on their own.<br />

cave n. 1 cavern, grotto, hollow, hole, cavity, den: In the cave<br />

were prehistoric wall paintings.<br />

--v. 2 cave in. a collapse, break down, give way, subside,<br />

fall in or inwards: The earthquake caused the walls of the<br />

house to cave in. b yield, submit, give way; surrender; Colloq<br />

buckle, knuckle under: After eight hours of questioning, he<br />

caved in and told them everything.<br />

cavil n. 1 quibble, complaint: There is a minor cavil at the wording<br />

of the statutes.<br />

--v. 2 carp, quibble, split hairs, complain, find fault,<br />

censure, criticize, dispute, object, demur, Colloq nit-pick:<br />

They cavilled at a mere misspelling.

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