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adeptness, proficiency: Has he any knowledge of their work on<br />

the DNA molecule? 4 schooling, education, scholarship,<br />

instruction, learning, erudition: A little knowledge is a<br />

dangerous thing.<br />

knowledgeable<br />

adj. 1 knowledgable, aware, au fait, au courant, up to date,<br />

(well-)informed, (well-)acquainted, cognizant, familiar,<br />

enlightened, expert, knowing, Colloq in the know: She is<br />

knowledgeable about events in eastern Europe. 2 well-educated,<br />

erudite, learned, cultured, well-read, intelligent,<br />

sophisticated, worldly, wise, sage, sagacious: Professor Evans<br />

is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met.<br />

11.4 kowtow<br />

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />

kowtow v. Often, kowtow to. genuflect (before), salaam (to), prostrate<br />

oneself (before), bow (down) (to or before), pay court to,<br />

scrape before, cringe before, fawn (before), grovel (before),<br />

toady ((up) to), pander to, truckle ((up) to), dance attendance<br />

on, Colloq butter up, Slang suck up to, play up to, shine up to,<br />

Taboo slang US brown-nose: He kowtows to anyone who he thinks<br />

may be of use to him.<br />

11.5 kudos<br />

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />

kudos n. praise, acclaim, glory, fame, renown, honour, plaudits,<br />

applause, laudation, acclamation, accolade: They got a lot of<br />

kudos out of funding a new opera-house.<br />

12.0 L<br />

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />

12.1 label...<br />


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