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supplement<br />

n. 1 addendum, addition, appendix, epilogue, end-piece,<br />

postscript, appendage, extension, continuation, adjunct, annexe,<br />

appurtenance, accessory, codicil, insert, sequel;<br />

supplementation; Technical suppletion: The later version<br />

includes the 1909 supplement.<br />

--v. 2 add (on or to), extend, augment; complement: Various<br />

scholars supplemented the earlier work with their own notes and<br />

comments. He supplements his income by working at a restaurant.<br />

supplementary<br />

adj. 1 additional, added, annexed, adjunct, new: The<br />

supplementary buildings increased the size of the hospital<br />

greatly. 2 supplemental, supportive, contributory, ancillary,<br />

secondary, subordinate, annexed, additional, attached, added,<br />

appended, subsidiary, adscititious; extraneous, adventitious,<br />

supervenient, extra, excess; Technical suppletive: The<br />

supplementary material expanded the original work five-fold.<br />

supplicant<br />

adj. 1 suppliant, supplicating, entreating, petitioning,<br />

supplicatory, beseeching, praying, imploring, solicitous,<br />

importunate, begging, mendicant: In 1897, he carved a<br />

supplicant group in white marble, now in the Fraser Museum.<br />

--n. 2 suppliant, applicant, petitioner, beseecher, suitor,<br />

pleader, aspirant, appellant, plaintiff, beggar, mendicant: He<br />

came to me as a supplicant, begging forgiveness for what he had<br />

done.<br />

supplication<br />

n. 1 entreaty, petition, prayer, appeal, pleading, plea, suit,<br />

solicitation, obsecration, obtestation, impetration: Heeding<br />

the pitiful supplications of the beggars, they gave them some<br />

money. 2 supplicating, begging, pleading, soliciting,<br />

petitioning, entreating, beseeching: All his supplication could<br />

not wring a farthing from the old skinflint.<br />

supply v. 1 furnish, provide, give, endow, present, purvey, deliver,<br />

come up with, contribute, distribute, sell; stock, accommodate,<br />

afford, equip, outfit, gear (up), rig (out), fit (out),<br />

provision, cater to, Chiefly Brit kit out or up; victual: Her

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