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pattern, example, epitome: She regarded Florence Nightingale as<br />

her ideal. 2 acme, (standard of) perfection, nonpareil: The<br />

ideal can rarely be achieved, so you had better settle for<br />

reality. 3 ideals. principles, morals, standards: Everyone's<br />

ideals are compromised sooner or later.<br />

--adj. 4 perfect, excellent, supreme, consummate, complete,<br />

model, idyllic: This is an ideal home for a young couple. 5<br />

conceptual, imagined, imaginary, unreal, visionary, idealistic,<br />

fictitious, Utopian, notional, mythical or mythic, fantasy,<br />

dream, romantic, chimeric(al), illusory, fanciful, fancied: In<br />

his ideal world there is no crime, so there is no need for<br />

police.<br />

idealistic<br />

adj. visionary, romantic, romanticized, optimistic,<br />

starry-eyed, quixotic, Panglossian, impractical, unrealistic:<br />

He is idealistic enough to believe that people are basically<br />

good.<br />

idealize v. exalt, elevate, glorify, worship, ennoble, deify,<br />

apotheosize, put on a pedestal, romanticize: Because she<br />

idealizes him, she cannot see his true nature.<br />

ideally adv. 1 under or in the best of circumstances, at best, in a<br />

perfect world, all things being equal: Ideally, February is the<br />

time to holiday in the Caribbean. 2 theoretically, in theory,<br />

in principle: Ideally, people ought to have money before they<br />

are too old to enjoy it. 3 perfectly: John and Marsha are<br />

ideally suited to each other.<br />

identical adj. 1 same, twin, duplicate, indistinguishable,<br />

interchangeable; selfsame: The two leaves look identical to me.<br />

The duchess and I had the identical suite at the hotel, but a<br />

week apart. 2 similar, matching, like, alike, comparable, equal,<br />

equivalent, corresponding: The children are dressed in<br />

identical clothing.<br />

identification<br />

n. 1 connection, recognition, distinguishing, indication,<br />

perception, detection, selection, naming, labelling,<br />

pinpointing, designation, characterization, denomination;<br />

authentication, verification, establishment, certification,

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