X-Ray Fluorescence Analytical Techniques - CNSTN : Centre ...

X-Ray Fluorescence Analytical Techniques - CNSTN : Centre ...

X-Ray Fluorescence Analytical Techniques - CNSTN : Centre ...


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eground and pressed or cast as a disk. For precise quantitative determinations, loose powders<br />

are rarely acceptable, especially when low energy X-rays are detected. Pressed briquets are<br />

much more reliable.<br />

Briquets or pressed powders yield better precision than powder samples and are<br />

relatively simple and economical to prepare. In many cases all that is needed is a hydraulic<br />

press and a suitable die. In the simplest case, the die diameter should be the same as the<br />

sample holder so that the pressed briquets will fit directly into the holder. The amount of<br />

pressure required to press a briquet which yields maximum intensity depends upon the sample<br />

matrix, the energy of the X-ray to be used, and the initial particle size of the sample.<br />

Therefore, prior grinding of the sample to a small particle size (< 100 micrometers) is<br />

advisable. In cases of materials which will not cohere to form stable briquets, a binding agent<br />

may be required. A wide, variety of binding agents have been used such as: powdered<br />

cellulose, detergent powders, starch, stearic acid, boric acid, lithium carbonate, polyvinyl<br />

alcohol and commercial binders.<br />

III. Fused Materials<br />

Fusion of materials with a flux may be done for several reasons. Some refractory<br />

materials cannot be dissolved, ground into fine powders, or otherwise put in a suitable,<br />

homogeneous form for X-ray spectrometric analysis. Other samples may have compositions<br />

which lead to severe interelement effects, and dilution in the flux will reduce these. The fused<br />

product cast into a glass button, provides a stable, homogeneous sample well suited for X-ray<br />

measurements. The most severe disadvantages to fusion techniques are the time and material<br />

costs involved, and the dilution of the elements which can result in an order of magnitude<br />

reduction in X-ray intensity. However, when other methods of sample preparation fail, fusion<br />

will often provide the required results.<br />

More common are the glass-forming fusions with lithium borate, lithium tetraborate or<br />

sodium tetraborate. Flux to sample ratios range from 1:1 to 10:1. The lithium fluxes have<br />

lower mass absorption coefficients and, therefore, less effect on the intensity of the low<br />

energy X-rays. Lithium carbonate may be added to render acidic samples more soluble in the<br />

flux, whereas lithium fluoride has the same effect on basic sample. Lithium carbonate can<br />

also reduce the fusion temperature. Oxidants such as sodium nitrate, potassium chlorate or<br />

others may be added to sulfides and other mixtures to prevent loss of these elements.<br />

IV. Filters and Ions-Exchange Resins<br />

Various filters, ion-exchange resin beads, and ion-exchange resin impregnated filter<br />

papers have become important sampling substrates for samples for X-ray spectrometric<br />

analysis. Filter materials may be composed of filter paper, membrane filters (i.e., Nuclepore,<br />

Millipore), glass fiber filters, and others. Filters are used in a variety of applications.<br />

One of the most widely used applications of filters is in the collection of aerosol<br />

samples from the atmosphere. Loadings of several milligrams of sample on the filter may<br />

correspond to sampling several hundred cubic meters of atmosphere. Many elements may be<br />

determined directly o these filters by X-ray spectrometric analysis.

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