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<strong>VULNERABLE</strong> <strong>MISSION</strong> VIS-À-VIS MAINSTREAM <strong>MISSION</strong> AND MISSIOLOGY<br />

This is a huge challenge, almost incomprehensibly different than our analytical ways.<br />

I ran into it as I worked with oral thinkers in Lesotho a generation ago, and I tried to<br />

explain it to my American supporters this way: “Teaching the Bible in Lesotho means<br />

teaching parts of the Bible we don’t often read (like Hebrews) to teach truths we don’t<br />

understand (like purification) to meet needs we don’t feel (like body-soul cleansing) by<br />

using methods we don’t like (like memorization).”<br />

Once I taught a two-day course on worldview at a YWAM training base in England<br />

and included some of this material on thinking styles. At the end a Swedish student<br />

commented, “Now I see not only why I felt lost for most of the six months I served in<br />

Tanzania. I can see for the first time just how lost I really was!”<br />

If missionaries among oral peoples tried from the beginning to shift to oral thinking, they<br />

would find out much sooner “just how lost they really are.” Then they would slow down,<br />

invest much less money and energy in poor (i.e., analytically based) mission strategies and<br />

programs, and do much less damage before they started doing some good.<br />


<strong>MISSION</strong>S TODAY<br />

If VM methods—local language, local resources, local thinking style—are so much better<br />

than others, where are they working? It is a fair question. If Jim Harries has come<br />

up with such a valuable theory, why has his own VM approach to theological training<br />

not yet caught fire in Western Kenya, spread across Kenya and even to other countries?<br />

Where’s the beef in the VM theory?<br />

The answer is hiding in plain sight, and it is a lot bigger than Jim or any of the rest of us.<br />

Arguably the three most fruitful mission movements in the entire twentieth century were<br />

three that operated almost entirely on VM principles. (I realize these do not fit with Jim’s<br />

definition of VM as an issue of Westerners working in the Majority World, but bear with<br />

me.) The three movements are African indigenous churches, Chinese house churches,<br />

and (to a lesser extent) the charismatic movement in Latin America. Mainstream mission<br />

thinkers and leaders are fully aware of all three and generally admire them, yet they<br />

seem not to have grasped the implications of their fruitfulness. Consider this:<br />

The AICs [African Instituted Churches] have shown how much mission can be done for<br />

free. It takes no money to retell the story of the calling of the founder or to tell people<br />

about one’s own walk with God. It takes no money to pray for someone to be healed. It<br />

takes no money to sing and dance or to write a new song that praises God. It takes no<br />

money to receive dreams or prophetic revelations from God. It takes no money for each<br />

member of a congregation to stand up and speak in a service. It takes no money to be freed<br />

from alcoholism, wife-beating, jealousy and witchcraft. It takes no money to become an<br />

honest, hard-working employee. 21<br />

The massive success of VM is not just a twentieth-century phenomenon. In our new<br />

century in India, Mongolia, the Philippines, and across the Muslim World, things are<br />

beginning to happen that look very similar to Africa 100 years ago and China 50 years<br />

21 Thomas Oduro, et al., Mission in an African Way: A Practical Introduction to African Instituted Churches and Their<br />

Sense of Mission, Marturia series (Wellington, South Africa: BybelMedia, 2008), 159–60.<br />


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