Racine: Phaedra

Racine: Phaedra

Racine: Phaedra


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CEDIPUS REX 75<br />

Or was it He who rules<br />

Kyllene's height ; or did the Bacchic god,<br />

Whose dweUing is upon the mountain peaks.<br />

Receive thee, gift of HeUconian nymphs,<br />

With whom He loves to sport?<br />

CEdipus.— If I must needs conjecture, who as yet<br />

Ne'er met the man, I think I see the shepherd,<br />

Whom this long while we sought for. In his age<br />

He this man matches. And I see besides,<br />

My servants bring him. Thou perchance can'st speak<br />

From former knowledge yet more certainly.<br />

Chorus.— I know him, king, be sure ; for this man stood.<br />

If any, known as Laios' herdsman true.<br />

Enter Shepherd.<br />

CEdipus.—Thee first I ask, Corinthian stranger, say,<br />

Is this the man ?<br />

Messenger.— The very man thou seek'st.<br />

CEdipus.—Ho there ! old man. Come hither, look on me.<br />

And tell me all. Did Laios own thee once?<br />

Shepherd.—His slave I was, not bought, but reared at home.<br />

CEdipus.—What was thy work, or what thy mode of life ?<br />

Shepherd.—Near all my life I followed with the flock.<br />

CEdipus.—And in what regions didst thou chiefly dwell?<br />

Shepherd.—Now 'twas Kithaeron, now on neighboring fields.<br />

CEdipus.—Know'st thou this man? Didst ever see him there?<br />

Shepherd.—What did he do? Of what man speakest thou?<br />

CEdipus.—This man now present. Did ye ever meet?<br />

Shepherd.-—I cannot say oflF-hand from memory.<br />

Messenger.—No wonder that, my lord. But I'll remind him<br />

Right well of things forgotten. Well I know<br />

He needs must know when on Kithaeron's fields,<br />

He with a double flock, and I with one,<br />

I was his neighbor during three half years.<br />

From springtide till Arcturos rose ; and I<br />

In winter to mine own fold drove my flocks.<br />

And he to those of Laios. [To Shepherd.] Answer me,<br />

Speak I, or speak I not, the thing that was ?<br />

Shepherd.—Thou speak'st the truth, although long years have<br />


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