Danny Schechter - ColdType

Danny Schechter - ColdType

Danny Schechter - ColdType


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CHAPTER 13<br />



Most journalists failed to pick up the worldwide crunch<br />

that was to shatter capitalism. Were they lazy, or embedded<br />

with the bankers?<br />

(Part of this chapter appeared in two European<br />

journalism reviews)<br />

107<br />

We were just entering the new millennium when I<br />

joined a caravan of journalists and business leaders<br />

on a mountain climbing trek, from the airport<br />

in Zurich to the snowy peaks in Davos, Switzerland, for the<br />

annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. It was hardly<br />

taxing or dangerous. We went by limo. Even though I am an<br />

independent journalist, I had wrangled an invitation as a guest<br />

to a special media program for top editors, and was given full<br />

credentials to mingle with the heavy hitters. I was not there as<br />

a mere reporter, consigned to the working press room carved<br />

out of a fallout shelter in the basement of the Conference Center,<br />

but as a full-fledged attendee alongside editors of the Wall<br />

Street Journal, Time, Newsweek and the Financial Times.<br />

We were the chosen ones and allowed to “embed” ourselves<br />

into the elite of the multinational corporate culture. The<br />

affluence and the elitism were seductive and co-optative on<br />

that mountaintop, with many media outlets glowing over a<br />

new genre of masters of the universe – the “Davos Man.” One<br />

of our number, a reporter for CNBC TV would soon “cross<br />

the aisle” and leave reporting for a hedge fund (it later went<br />

bust).<br />

At the time, January 2000, the dot com bubble was unrav-

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