Danny Schechter - ColdType

Danny Schechter - ColdType

Danny Schechter - ColdType


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xlviii<br />

But there were many who saw it, too.<br />

Nomi Prins was a former banker at Goldman Sachs and<br />

Bear Stearns who helped fashion some of the derivative products<br />

at the center of our economic collapse.<br />

On a freezing December day, I interviewed her on Wall<br />

Street as large BRINKS document destruction trucks prowled<br />

alleys behind the Stock Exchange and nearly hit our cameraman.<br />

She saw where I was going at once and joined in.<br />

This is the most expensive takeout, the biggest crime in world<br />

history. We’re talking about a crime we can’t even quantify<br />

because so many assets were created and so much money<br />

was borrowed on the idea that they would exist and so much<br />

of that has disappeared. You’re talking double-digit trillions of<br />

dollars – minimum – already in the beginning of 2009, and<br />

we are nowhere near done with finding out how much loss<br />

there really is.<br />

One estimate of monies lost, value depreciated, and money<br />

spent to try to stabilize the system came to $197.4 trillion, and<br />

that may be low. (In mid-July, the chief Congressional investigator<br />

on the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) said “…<br />

a series of bailouts, bank rescues and other economic lifelines<br />

could end up costing the federal government as much as $23 trillion,<br />

the U.S. government’s watchdog over the effort says – a<br />

staggering amount that is nearly double the nation’s entire<br />

economic output for a year.” When challenged the watchdog<br />

couldn’t back up the number and said that it was an unexpected<br />

worse case scenario.)<br />

At the same time, back in 2008, the year of the meltdown,<br />

the number one crime story on cable television was the case of<br />

Casey Anthony and her missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee,<br />

which had captured the attention of the nation as no other in<br />

recent history. O.J. Simpson’s recent arrest rated second, The<br />

Jennifer Hudson family murders were third, etc., and so forth.<br />

Lists like these define crime in terms of perpetrators and

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