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GEANT3 interface. Here, we compare data from a deuteron breakup experiment, performed<br />

in the year 1992, with simulation results. Various deuteron beam energies of 170,<br />

270, 470, 600, 800, and 1050 AMeV were used, thus the characteristics of the detector<br />

can be determined for a wide range of neutron energies.<br />

During the interaction of the primary neutrons secondary particles are produced. For<br />

the energy deposited in the scintillator, secondary protons and neutrons dominate but<br />

also gamma-rays and electrons contribute, especially at small energies. The response of<br />

the detector strongly depends on the choice of the threshold for the light detection of<br />

the photomultipliers.<br />

Light quenching for protons was taken into account using Birk’s relation [Bir-64]<br />

L(∆E) = ∆E/(1. + 0.013 ∗ dE/dx + 9.6E − 6 ∗ (dE/dx) 2 ), (4.1)<br />

where L is the light output, ∆E the energy deposit in the scintillator in MeV, and dE/dx<br />

the energy loss in MeV/g/cm 2 .<br />

A typical interaction of a high energy neutron with an iron nucleus produces several<br />

protons, neutrons and gamma-rays. If the protons have sufficient energy to leave the<br />

iron sheet, they deposit energy in a scintillator, giving rise to scintillation light. The<br />

neutrons travel through the detector and produce further secondary particles. This<br />

happens either again in iron sheets or directly in the scintillator material by elastic<br />

scattering on protons. The gamma-rays produce electrons which again deposit energy in<br />

the scintillators. Therefore, in a typical LAND event several modules fire. The detected<br />

multiplicity strongly depends on the photomultiplier threshold applied. Figure 4.4 shows<br />

tracks of typical events for 470 MeV neutrons.<br />

Sometimes, no light is produced during the first interaction of the primary neutron.<br />

This leads to an incorrect determination of the position and consequently to an incorrect<br />

neutron momentum via the ToF method. Figure 4.5 shows the distance between the first<br />

interaction points of 470 MeV neutrons and the position of the first light generation. In<br />

this example 40 % of the events are outside of the geometrical dimension (10 cm) of a<br />

module.<br />

A large detection efficiency is a key feature of LAND. The simulated efficiencies in<br />

table 4.2 were determined with the GEANT3 and GEANT4 simulation packages and<br />

are compared with the measured values.<br />

The most important quantities for the comparison between data and simulation are the<br />

multiplicity of modules, the total deposited energy, the energy deposit during the first<br />

interaction and the energy deposit in a single paddle. Figure 4.6 presents simulation<br />

results for GEANT3 in comparison with the measured data. Thresholds were adapted<br />

within reasonable range to match the multiplicity spectra. An all-over factor of 0.4<br />

necessary to adapt the GEANT3 total energy findings to the measured energy deposits<br />

points to some mismatch in the absolute calibration of the experimental data. With<br />


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