Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon


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„Yeah. I‟ve been watching them.‟<br />

„Do you think they‟re for real?‟<br />

„Yeah.‟ Tim reached for a tub of olives. „They‟re pulling in<br />

fish. Don‟t worry about them. Lie back and take a rest. The<br />

sun‟s up. It‟s time for a kip.‟<br />

They dozed. David didn‟t know for how long. The boat<br />

had swung round and the sun was shining in his eyes when<br />

he woke.<br />

„Come on, Davo!‟<br />

He heard Tim‟s voice and struggled into a sitting position.<br />

Tim was in the water, hanging onto the side of the boat.<br />

„It‟s time for a fun dive.‟<br />

David was in no mood for another dive. He pulled on his<br />

scuba gear reluctantly, flopped into the water and followed<br />

Tim down the anchor line.<br />

It wasn‟t a textbook entry and it wasn‟t a textbook descent.<br />

David knew that he had broken all the rules. He had<br />

not checked his gear and he had gone down too fast. He had<br />

often lectured his students on the dangers of rapid descent.<br />

At thirty feet, you have added enough excess pressure to<br />

your system to inflate the tires of a small car. It is not rea-<br />

sonable to expect the gases in your body to reach instantaneous<br />

equilibrium.<br />

He arrived at the bottom feeling disoriented. Tim was nowhere<br />

in sight. That was another mistake. Divers should al-<br />

ways maintain contact with their buddies. David waited for<br />

his head to clear then went to look for him. After a frustrating<br />

search, he found Tim lying on the bottom, peering be-<br />

neath a coral outcrop.<br />

David knew what his friend was doing. Tim could never<br />

resist a feed of crayfish and wasn‟t fussed by the laws forbidding<br />

him to take the crustacean on scuba gear. He<br />

watched as Tim probed in holes and crevices with a gloved<br />

hand … and listened.<br />


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