Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon


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he phone rang on Kirstin‟s desk in the university li-<br />

T brary, where she worked as a volunteer. The work<br />

kept her active. Australia has a system where people of old<br />

but robust years can give their skills to the wider community<br />

and not expect to be paid.<br />

She heard the receptionist. „I have a Ms Manning here.<br />

She‟s a travel consultant and would like you to do some<br />

translating.‟<br />

Kirstin often did translating jobs – mainly Chinese but<br />

sometimes Danish. She said she would meet Ms Manning in<br />

the entrance hall and took the stairs to the ground floor. The<br />

young woman waiting for her was dressed in the sharp-cut<br />

attire fashionable in business circles and somewhat alien to<br />

Kirstin‟s generation. She wore tinted glasses and spoke with<br />

a North American accent.<br />

„Mrs. Hansen, a mutual friend suggested that I contact<br />

you.‟<br />

A manicured hand tendered a business card.<br />

Kirstin took the card and affected a strong Danish accent.<br />

„Janice Manning … you wouldn‟t be one of the Pulnitz-<br />

Mannings, by any chance?‟<br />

Janet removed her spectacles.<br />

„How did you guess?‟<br />

„I smelt you.‟<br />

„Don‟t joke, Kirstin. We‟re fellow professionals. I want to<br />

know how you recognized me.‟<br />

„Well, my dear.‟ Kirstin smiled. „If I hadn‟t previously met<br />

you, I probably wouldn‟t have suspected that you weren‟t<br />

who you claimed to be.‟<br />

„Really?‟<br />

„Yes.‟<br />


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