Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon


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„I went to look for her after ballet,‟ Helen said. „I thought<br />

I‟d find her round at the back where she waits for her gran.<br />

When I got there some girls said a van stopped and a man<br />

in a uniform got out. He said something and Lizzie went off<br />

with him.‟<br />

Humphrey‟s face turned ashen and he felt weak. Maria<br />

reached out a hand to steady him. „Do you think something<br />

has happened to her?‟<br />

„I don‟t know,‟ Humphrey shook his head.<br />

„Should we phone the police?‟<br />

„Yes … I think we should.‟<br />

Humphrey reached for his phone and dialed the number<br />

with a heavy heart. As someone who worked in crime pre-<br />

vention, he knew there was little the police could do. Sixteen-year-old<br />

girls went missing all the time. The forces of<br />

law and order usually got involved after something terrible<br />

had happened. Their ability to stop it happening was mini-<br />

mal.<br />

anet waited for the van to drive off then set about free-<br />

J ing herself. A Thai kickboxer had taught her a proce-<br />

dure for escaping from ropes, chains and other tight bonds.<br />

It involved the dislocation of bones and was regarded as too<br />

risqué to be taught at police academy. Within a minute she<br />

had extracted her hand from the handcuff and was strug-<br />

gling to coax it back into shape. Her arm hung awkwardly.<br />

The puncture wound to her shoulder had numbed the senses.<br />

But she could still grasp things securely if she concen-<br />

trated on the task in hand – which was to pick the padlock<br />

holding the iron grill in place.<br />

She kept a piece of wire for such a purpose in her shoe.<br />

She took it out and probed the lock. Eventually, the mecha-<br />

nism showed signs of yielding. She tugged with her injured

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