part 1 - Iccrom

part 1 - Iccrom

part 1 - Iccrom


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6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation<br />

policies, programs and projects” (Zancheti et al.,<br />

2009, p. 48).<br />

The identification of heritage assets goes beyond<br />

the objectives of giving recognition to cultural<br />

assets as heritage of a collectivity of people and<br />

of generating information from which advertising<br />

and the guardianship of heritage can be defined. In<br />

addition, its management, monitoring and conservation<br />

can be evaluated. This is the starting point<br />

for establishing Cultural Significance: a social construct<br />

which sets out social judgments and validations<br />

of the present and past meanings and values<br />

attributed to an asset.<br />

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