CDE Appendix 1 Literature Review - Central East Local Health ...

CDE Appendix 1 Literature Review - Central East Local Health ...

CDE Appendix 1 Literature Review - Central East Local Health ...


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The Culture, Diversity and Equity Project: <strong>Literature</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />

Box 4.2 continued<br />

The Equality Delivery Assurance Group (EDAG) functions as an advisory body, whose responsibility is to coordinate and<br />

provide assurance on compliance with equality legislation and other policy aspects of the DH Single Equality Programme. 29<br />

The Policy Committee (of the Departmental Management Board) is responsible for “monitoring the SES action plan and the<br />

continued application of equality screening and equality impact assessments across the DH policy delivery” (DH 2007b). The<br />

Committee receives quarterly reports from the EDAG on progress against the SES action plan and the programme of policy<br />

equality screening. The Policy Committee also contributes to the Annual Report of the Departmental Management Board.<br />

Role of Strategic <strong>Health</strong> Authorities in equalities planning and monitoring<br />

Strategic <strong>Health</strong> Authorities (SHAs) also play a critical role in ensuring that they and the local health providers and purchasers<br />

that they monitor and oversee fulfill their legal and policy obligations in relation to equality issues. As part of their management<br />

function, Strategic <strong>Health</strong> Authorities each produce their own three-year Single Equality Schemes (SES) which set out their<br />

commitment to promoting equality of opportunity and tackling discrimination in access to health services and in the way that staff<br />

are treated (NHS London 2007).<br />

NHS London has developed and is currently implementing its own SES (2007-2010), which has a total of 37 objectives. Each<br />

objective is broken down into various associated ‘Tasks’, each of which are assigned a Lead person, Target Date for completion,<br />

and Outcome Measure(s).The NHS London Board 30 is ultimately accountable and responsible for successful implementation of<br />

the scheme. The Chief Executive of the Board and named Leads are responsible for reporting on progress and ensuring that<br />

action plan objectives are being met within their areas of responsibility.<br />

The development of NHS London’s (2007-2010) SES was facilitated by the Equality Steering Group (ESG), which is made up<br />

of a cross-section of NHS London staff (including senior representatives from Public <strong>Health</strong>, Corporate Affairs, Human<br />

Resources, Communications, the Union, and the Research unit). The Equality Steering Group’s purpose is “[t]o manage the<br />

overall project to produce the Strategic <strong>Health</strong> Authority’s Single Equality Scheme consultation document, consult on the<br />

scheme, and all related activities associated with producing the Single Equality Scheme” (NHS London 2007).<br />

NHS London’s Single Equality Scheme (2007-2010) was also developed through the involvement of an Equality Reference<br />

Group (ERG). The purpose of the ERG was “[t]o actively participate in determining the scope, content, and presentation of the<br />

Strategic <strong>Health</strong> Authority’s Single Equality Scheme consultation document, and to actively participate in determining the scope<br />

and methodology for the consultation process” (NHS London 2007). In addition to including disabled people within the group,<br />

other equality strands were also represented within the ERG group membership.<br />

While all of the monitoring functions described above, in the case of the Department of <strong>Health</strong> and the Strategic <strong>Health</strong><br />

Authorities, are internal to these organisations, UK equalities legislation also grants “significant powers” to the Equality and<br />

Human Rights Commission 31 to “enforce the equalities duties of organisations and authorities, including, ultimately, launching<br />

official inquiries and formal investigations” (Retrieved January 24, 2009 from http://www.equalityhumanrights.com).<br />


One of the most critical means of ensuring accountability for and compliance with health equity policy and strategy<br />

is by embedding and monitoring health equity goals and outcomes in performance management systems. Among the<br />

29 The DH Single Equality Programme incorporates the Single Equality Scheme and SES action plan development and monitoring, the Equality<br />

Impact Assessment Programme (EIA), Equality Delivery Assurance Group secretariat and Stakeholder <strong>Review</strong> and Management (for more on the<br />

Single Equality Programme see http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Managingyourorganisation/Equalityandhumanrights/index.htm).<br />

30 NHS London is governed by the NHS London Board, which is made up of 6 non-executive directors (including the Chair), 5 executive<br />

directors (including the Chief Executive), and 4 non-voting members. The board is responsible for:<br />

establishing values and standards for NHS London<br />

agreeing the strategy for the NHS in London<br />

monitoring our performance against financial and other targets<br />

ensuring that risk is well managed (Retrieved March 3, 2009 from http://www.london.nhs.uk/who-we-are/people-and-structure/ourboard.)<br />

31 The Equality and Human Rights Commission is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) established under the Equality Act 2006 –<br />

accountable for its public funds, but independent of government.<br />


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