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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

The three main Parts of this <strong>book</strong> include: Part 1- Doctrine, Part 2-<br />

Apostles and Part 3- Intercession. They are arranged in a series of<br />

progression from first Thinking Like Mature <strong>Sons</strong> (Doctrine), to then<br />

Acting Like Mature <strong>Sons</strong> (Apostles), and finally towards Being<br />

Mature <strong>Sons</strong> (Intercession).<br />

Doctrine is much more than just having a correct interpretation of<br />

Scriptures. It involves a correct pattern of thought that is manifested<br />

practically in everyday life by how we interact with others, as well as<br />

with God and ourselves. This Doctrine section will cover some of the<br />

foundational principles that are needed for the Body of Christ to truly<br />

become the Bride of Christ. The second Part on:<br />

Apostles will go a little deeper to explain some of the ways God is<br />

raising up a different breed of leadership mentality to serve in His<br />

Kingdom government. All mature sons are not necessarily apostles,<br />

but they will be able to recognize the true apostles. The final Part on:<br />

Intercession goes even deeper to the real power behind this<br />

government – namely, PRAYER. But rather than trying to teach or<br />

explain prayer, this section takes you through several examples from<br />

the author’s life in which on-site prayer and intercession was done for<br />

the purpose of bringing heaven to earth in certain real life situations.<br />

It is a great privilege to be alive today in the generation that is<br />

witnessing the fulfillment of what the biblical prophets saw thousands<br />

of years ago. Even the Apocalypse (the <strong>book</strong> of Revelation) is<br />

beginning to unfold before our eyes. It is not hype to say that another<br />

Pentecost on the same level that the first century saints experienced is<br />

at our doorstep, because the first century Pentecost did not completely<br />

fulfill the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32 (and Acts 2:17-21) which says:<br />

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will<br />

pour out of My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your<br />

daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall see visions.<br />

Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and<br />

on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and<br />

they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and<br />

signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire and vapor of smoke.<br />

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood,<br />

before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.<br />


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