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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

only time Phinehas’ name is mentioned in this account, Judges 20:27-<br />

28 says: “the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days, and<br />

Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those<br />

days, saying, “Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of<br />

my brother Benjamin, or shall I cease?” And the Lord said, “Go up,<br />

for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.” Then Israel went to<br />

battle and killed almost ALL of the 26,000 men of Benjamin. The men<br />

of Israel struck down men and beasts and all who were found and set<br />

fire to all the cities of Benjamin. Only 600 men of the tribe of<br />

Benjamin were left, and they fled toward the wilderness and stayed for<br />

four months.<br />

Although Israel was able to restore Benjamin by providing wives for<br />

the 600 Benjamites who were left, it was a costly way to have to bring<br />

peace to rebellious brethren.<br />

So in all of these accounts of Phinehas, who was given the “covenant of<br />

peace” and the “covenant of the everlasting priesthood,” we see a man<br />

who would not tolerate unrighteousness in the camp of the Lord. We<br />

see a man who was willing to endure temporary bloodshed and warfare<br />

with the greater vision in mind of having a lasting peace where<br />

righteousness rules. Yet, he was not “blood thirsty” and just looking<br />

for the wrong in everybody. He was able to discern the heart of an<br />

issue, whether it was a sin against God or just a misunderstanding.<br />

How opposite from what our current world governments uphold as a<br />

peacemaker! I have seen our generation give a terrorist the Nobel<br />

Peace Prize and honor him at national prayer breakfasts with the hope<br />

that he will “try harder and change his ways.” A study on this terrorist<br />

will reveal that even from his childhood his life was characterized by<br />

brutal murders and deceiving his own people. He was responsible for<br />

untold numbers of atrocities which would make the wicked men in<br />

Benjamin blush! And yet we call him a peacemaker?<br />

Although God’s idea of a peacemaker may make it necessary to go to<br />

battle and war, it is only to uphold true justice and not for selfish<br />

motives. Notice what Jesus, who is our ultimate example of a<br />

peacemaker, says in Matthew 10:34-39: “Do you think that I came to<br />

bring peace on the earth? I did not come to bring peace but a sword.<br />


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