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The Birthing of Zion’s <strong>Sons</strong><br />

travail involves suffering and sorrow. So, this is why Paul<br />

mentions that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with<br />

the glory that will be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18 NIV). That travail<br />

will bring forth that glory… The concept of giving birth to Christ’s<br />

life in a spiritual sense is a glorious hope set before us. It refers to a<br />

level of spiritual maturity where we become channels through<br />

which the fullness of His life flows to others. This is a theme that is<br />

repeated many times throughout the Bible. This is why the Bible<br />

refers so often to travail, intercession, and giving birth.” 25<br />

“For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth<br />

pangs together until now. And not only they, but we also who have the<br />

firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,<br />

eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.”<br />

(Rom. 8:22,23)<br />

There is a birthing process to reveal the character of Jesus through His<br />

mature sons to all of creation. In order to bring forth new life, labor<br />

(pain) and birth (a sudden change) is required. When a baby is born, it<br />

goes through tremendous amounts of biological and chemical changes.<br />

For one, it starts breathing air for the first time and eating from the<br />

mouth instead of the umbilical cord. Likewise, during this spiritual<br />

birthing process, there are some major changes that take place<br />

suddenly. “And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His<br />

temple, even the messenger of the covenant (Jesus the Christ).” (Mal.<br />

3:1) The Lord’s “suddenlies” may take years to fully grasp (just like it<br />

did when he was born the first time), but from heaven’s perspective it is<br />

like turning on a water faucet of God’s glory. If the hose is not strong<br />

enough to sustain the sudden thrust and continuous flow of water it will<br />

burst. Likewise, if we are not prepared vessels through humility and<br />

brokenness, we will burst and not be able to be used by the Lord to<br />

contain His glory that is coming. Jesus uses a similar analogy referring<br />

to us as wineskins (Matt. 9:17).<br />

Jesus also says that “whoever does the will of God is my brother and<br />

My sister and mother” (Mark 3:35). So we can all become His mother,<br />

or vessels through which the Father can use to birth His life. As<br />

mentioned previously, Mary’s life is one of the greatest examples in<br />

Scripture of a vessel through which God was able to birth His purposes.<br />


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