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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

Ecclesiastes 3:14 says:<br />

“I know that whatever God does, it shall be FOREVER, nothing can be<br />

added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should<br />

fear before Him.”<br />

Yes, these purposes will be fulfilled forever if we understand the<br />

principle that Yahweh’s ultimate “temple” is Mankind. All other<br />

temples serve as a foreshadow of redeemed mankind being God’s<br />

temple. All of the above listed purposes for Solomon’s temple will be<br />

fulfilled in redeemed man. For example, we will offer prayers and<br />

intercessions as “sweet incense,” and the “morning and evening<br />

sacrifice” will be our daily offerings of praise and thanksgiving from<br />

our hearts. The analogies and lessons that we can draw from the<br />

physical temples of God being compared to Mankind as Yahweh’s<br />

temple are limitless. Likewise, the physical millennial temple is<br />

meant to be an object lesson for us to learn how to be the holy<br />

temple of Yahweh.<br />

The 1,000 year period after Messiah returns will be an Age of<br />

Discipleship in learning the ways of the Kingdom (This can also be<br />

termed the Kingdom Age). The previous 2,000 years have been<br />

correctly termed an Age of Grace (or the Time of Salvation) where we<br />

have learned that the arm of the flesh cannot redeem us, but only faith<br />

in the finished work of the cross in the life of Yahoshua (Jesus) our<br />

Messiah. Now it is time for another paradigm shift similar to the<br />

paradigm shift that Jesus initiated when He came the first time to<br />

transition between the Age of Law into the Age of Grace. This time we<br />

will enter the Kingdom Age, where we will be learning from Jesus<br />

Himself the ways of the Kingdom and how to be the pure undefiled<br />

temple of the Lord. The fulfillment of “Christ IN US the hope of<br />

glory” (Col. 1:26) will be realized at the end of this 1,000 year period,<br />

just like the fulfillment of the Age of Law came at the end of that<br />

particular age (where Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law -Matt. 5:17).<br />

Similarly, the second coming of Yahoshua (Jesus) will bring a<br />

fulfillment of grace since we are ending the Age of Grace, and entering<br />

the Kingdom Age.<br />


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