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The Birthing of Zion’s <strong>Sons</strong><br />

other as His body. It is TOGETHER that we, “all come to the unity of<br />

the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the<br />

measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:11)<br />

The glory that God will be pouring out upon His people is for the<br />

purpose of bringing us into unity with Him and with one another, so<br />

that we can be perfect. Jesus tells us this in John 17:22-23: “the glory<br />

which You (Father) gave Me I have given them (disciples), that they<br />

may be one just as we are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may<br />

be made perfect in one.” This fullness and unity and oneness with<br />

Jesus is the reason for which the apostle Paul labored in birth. He<br />

labored for this maturity, “so that we should be no longer children<br />

tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the<br />

trickery of men.” (Eph. 4:12) The apostle John mentions 3 levels of<br />

spiritual maturity that pattern after natural maturity:<br />

Three Levels of Spiritual Maturity from 1 John 1:12-14<br />

1. Little<br />

Children<br />

Your sins are forgiven<br />

you for His name’s<br />

sake<br />

2. Young Men You have overcome<br />

the wicked one<br />

3. Fathers You have known Him<br />

who is from the<br />

beginning<br />

You have known the<br />

Father<br />

You are strong and the<br />

Word of God abides in<br />

you<br />

You have known Him<br />

who is from the<br />

beginning<br />

As this chart above shows, maturity is a progressive revelation of<br />

knowing the Lord. Spiritual maturity is accomplished by the way of<br />

the Cross. Ask yourself this question: How much am I willing to give<br />

up in order to obey the Lord? Self-centeredness is the root of spiritual<br />

immaturity. On the other hand, maturity is “speaking the truth in love”<br />

from a heart that has submitted to God’s dealings, discipline and<br />

testings (the Cross). The way of the Cross is the wisdom of God and<br />

the power of God. His life is able to live through us only when we are<br />

dead to “self.” Life comes through death. It was only after Jesus died<br />

that He was able to bring us eternal life. “Unless a grain of wheat falls<br />

into the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces<br />


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