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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

obedience is what He honors, not money. After all, Jesus’ perfect<br />

obedience led Him to a cross, and not to a pile of earthly riches.<br />

The man Job is a perfect example of one who walked in covenant with<br />

God, and had God’s “hedge of protection” due to his obedience, but yet<br />

God still allowed Satan to attack Job for the purpose of refining and<br />

perfecting him (Job 1-2). We can never put God in a box and use His<br />

goodness for our own purposes. His covenant principles work, but they<br />

are so manifold that we cannot totally understand His works from<br />

beginning to end as Job learned and Solomon wrote about in<br />

Ecclesiastes 3:11. Even when we are faithful to give the Lord’s tithe<br />

and offerings, sometimes God takes away our finances temporarily to<br />

put us in a wilderness where we will learn to trust in Him alone.<br />

Nevertheless, this example of Job is the exception and not the rule.<br />

Spiritual laws work just like the natural laws such as gravity, and if you<br />

try to defy the laws of gravity you will get hurt. It is a spiritual law that<br />

you reap what you sow, and those that give much will receive much.<br />

“Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down,<br />

shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For<br />

with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”<br />

(Luke 6:38)<br />

The current world economy is based on working, doing and performing<br />

in order to gain prosperity for yourself. It revolves around being<br />

concerned for yourself and what you can “get.” However, God’s<br />

kingdom economy is very different. Although there is much work to be<br />

done in God’s Kingdom, the Kingdom economics are based on giving<br />

and not getting. It is based on being your brother’s keeper and giving<br />

without expecting anything in return. If everyone operated with this<br />

attitude, then life on earth would be so much more like it is in heaven.<br />

WHERE should we give the Lord’s tithe? This is a question that the<br />

Scriptures answer directly and one that has not been obeyed properly<br />

by a majority of those who give tithes. The bottom line is that the<br />

Lord’s tithe goes directly to PEOPLE and not to building projects or<br />

gospel literature or organizational overhead expenses. Deuteronomy<br />

26:12-13 specifies four different types of people that are eligible to<br />

receive the Lord’s tithe: 1) “Levites” - which include apostles,<br />


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