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Chapter 8<br />

The “Passion” Movie<br />

There are two truths that the Lord showed me using Mel Gibson's<br />

“Passion” movie. The first truth is that the Cross (representing death<br />

to selfishness) is what Jesus lived DAILY and not just at the end of His<br />

life. The second truth is that the religious deception in our days is<br />

rampant. The first part about The Cross is what I wrote on March 12,<br />

2004 in this chapter immediately after watching the movie. The second<br />

part about The Deception was written here on August 19, 2005 after I<br />

learned about the occult influences that inspired this movie.<br />

This Passion movie glories in the violence and murder of Jesus on the<br />

cross and this was actually Satan's pleasure. However, the TRUE<br />

Cross of Obedience to Christ will give His people the kingdoms of this<br />

world that Jesus won back for us when He fully obeyed His father and<br />

gave up His life for us. The TRUE “Cross of Christ” is not some<br />

psychotic “death wish,” but rather a life of obedience: a type of<br />

obedience even unto death. Presently, at the “end of the age” it is every<br />

person’s individual choice to either take up their cross and follow<br />

Jesus, or to serve the god of this world who will gladly give you fame<br />

and fortune if you will bow down to serve him.<br />

Satan is the god of this age (2 Cor 4:4), and he is able to give money<br />

and power and honor to those who will follow him. Many of the<br />

people in high-level places of influence in media, entertainment,<br />

government and organized religion have bowed to worship demons<br />

whether they realize it or not. Due to the inherent selfishness of the<br />

human heart we are easily deceived, and without Christ and death to<br />

selfishness, we are doomed to be used by the enemy. When Satan<br />

tempted Jesus, he “took Him up on a high mountain, and showed Him<br />

all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All<br />

these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”<br />

(Matt. 4:8,9). So Satan DID indeed have this world’s kingdoms to<br />

offer Jesus, but Jesus wouldn’t bite because he knew that His Father<br />


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