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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

obedience to them. This is no different than His allowing the<br />

Ark of the Covenant that carried the Ten Commandments to be<br />

taken away from Israel by her enemies. And it is another in a<br />

long line of warnings to those claiming to know God that<br />

judgment is to soon descend on our nation just as it did on Israel<br />

for the same reasons: disregard for the Law of God. And the<br />

responsibility for this rests squarely on the shoulders of the<br />

church. 32<br />

May the church arise and fulfill its call to disciple the nations and see<br />

the Lord glorified in His people! - “Thus speaks the Lord of hosts,<br />

saying: This people says, “The time has not come, the time that the<br />

Lord’s house should be built.” Then the word of the Lord came by<br />

Haggai the prophet, saying, “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in<br />

your paneled houses, and this temple to lie in ruins? Now, therefore<br />

thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways! You have sown<br />

much, and bring in little, you eat but do not have enough; you drink,<br />

but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is<br />

warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with<br />

holes.” Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways! Go up to the<br />

mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take<br />

pleasure in it and be glorified. You looked for much, but indeed it<br />

came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?”<br />

says the Lord of hosts. “Because of My house that is in ruins, while<br />

every one of you runs to his own house.” (Haggai 1:2-9)<br />

Exactly two years after this Ten Commandment monument was<br />

removed, hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans as well as my home<br />

state of Alabama (August 28, 2005). When you sow to the wind, you<br />

will reap the whirlwind. It is a spiritual law that works just as sure as<br />

gravity or any other law of nature. I don’t think it was a coincidence<br />

that the planet Mars made its second closest encounter with earth on the<br />

same day that hurricane Katrina was at its strongest point the day<br />

before making landfall. The only recorded closer approach of the<br />

planet Mars was at the same time this Alabama Ten Commandment<br />

monument was being removed two years earlier to the day.<br />

Another interesting example of reaping and sowing is the parallel<br />

between this hurricane Katrina and the nation of Israel’s recent<br />


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