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The Millennial Temple<br />

God’s eternal purposes. The final purpose being: “Christ in us the<br />

hope of glory.” (Col. 1:26)<br />

“For you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you.<br />

The temple of God is holy, which temple you are. Therefore glorify<br />

God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s” (1 Corinthians<br />

3:16-17, 6:20). So we are God’s temple created by God at a precise<br />

point in time for a specific purpose and destiny, and not evolved from<br />

other animals as the false science of evolution would teach. The<br />

scientific laws of thermodynamics clearly show that matter left alone<br />

will tend towards disorder and decay rather than the incredible unity<br />

and order found in mankind and our universe.<br />

This section will step through a pictured timeline of seven “temples” or<br />

“houses” or “abiding places” where the Lord has allowed His glory to<br />

manifest. These Seven abiding places of the Lord include: 1) the<br />

Garden of Eden, 2) the Tabernacle of Moses, 3) the Temple designed<br />

by David and built by Solomon, 4) the Temple built by Ezra,<br />

Nehemiah, & Herod, 5) the person of Yahoshua (Jesus) the Messiah, 6)<br />

the Millennial Temple, and 7) the Bride of Messiah.<br />

The dates shown in this timeline are intentionally not exact dates, but<br />

rather are listed to show a general time period for each dwelling place<br />

of Yahweh in His-story. The Scriptures very clearly document a 7,000<br />

year plan of God for mankind. This documentation can be found in:<br />

the Genesis genealogy records (Genesis 5 and 11), the Exodus records<br />

(Exodus 12:41), the accounts in Judges, and the Biblical history <strong>book</strong>s.<br />

Scripture pinpoints exactly 6,000 years from Adam until now (with<br />

room for debate within about 50 years). Throughout the accounts of<br />

Noah, the Exodus, the Babylonian captivity and more, we find exact<br />

dates and numbers given in Scripture, and all for a purpose.<br />

We are all ignorant about many of the deep truths found in the exact<br />

dates and numbers given throughout the Bible. However, 2 Peter 3:8<br />

states very clearly that we should: “be not ignorant of this one thing,<br />

that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years.” This simple<br />

truth opens up the Scriptures for great understanding of the times in<br />

which we live. There are several Scriptures which point to “the third<br />

day” (2,000 years after Messiah) as the final 1,000 year millennial<br />


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