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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

However, their identity of “Israel” (where Israel is defined as people<br />

who are the natural offspring of Jacob) has not been taken away.<br />

The important thing that we are “blessing” in the nation of Israel is<br />

God’s Covenant promises with our spiritual forefathers, and not<br />

necessarily every decision that the modern day nation of Israel makes.<br />

This is especially important now, because the times of the Gentiles<br />

having the corner on the Kingdom of God are coming to an end. God<br />

has indeed extended a time of favor on the Gentiles for the past 2,000<br />

years, and simultaneously a time of chastening on the Jewish people as<br />

they have been scattered all over the earth. But now the roles are being<br />

reversed. We are entering into a time of favor upon the Jewish people<br />

as many of them are receiving their Messiah. At the same time, the<br />

Gentile nations are now entering into a time of judgment based on how<br />

they have treated Israel. Ultimately, those nations who come against<br />

Israel will suffer greatly. Many of Israel’s prophets saw this time of<br />

judgment on the nations saying, “it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance,<br />

the year of recompense for the controversy of Zion” (Isaiah 34:8).<br />

According to Joel 3:1-2, God will enter into judgment on the nations in<br />

the Valley of Jehoshaphat because “they have divided up My land.”<br />

This Valley just happens to be in East Jerusalem, which the modern day<br />

Palestinians claim as theirs, and the United Nations plans to divide.<br />

The Jewish people have paid the price of being a “chosen” nation as<br />

they have been some of the most persecuted people through the ages.<br />

The greatest modern day geo-political miracle is the re-gathering of the<br />

Jewish nation, and the greatest spiritual miracle will be when the nation<br />

of Israel accepts Yahoshua (Jesus) as her Messiah. Our prayer should<br />

be that the Jewish people and the nation of Israel would be grafted back<br />

into their original “Kingdom” by accepting their Messiah Yahoshua!<br />

Jesus told Nicodemus, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the<br />

kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Whether we are a Jew or a Gentile<br />

(which includes all other nationalities), there is no other name given<br />

under heaven by which men can be saved except the name of Jesus.<br />

We should bless the Jews because their fathers represent our spiritual<br />

heritage through whom Jesus came. Jesus is everything, and all<br />

believing Jews and Gentiles will be combined in Him (Messiah<br />

Yahoshua) who is God in the flesh.<br />


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