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Covenant of Peace: The Millennial Age<br />

However, by God’s grace we will be spared from it ourselves if our<br />

lives are founded upon Jesus. His life in us is the ONLY thing that will<br />

not burn up in the judgment. “Therefore, since we are receiving a<br />

kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may<br />

serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a<br />

consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:28,29)<br />

Be Led By God’s Peace<br />

We have all had to make decisions in life where we seek God earnestly<br />

and ask for His direction. If you ask someone how they knew God’s<br />

will for where they are to be living geographically, or what job to take,<br />

you may get an answer like, “I had a peace about it.” But if we’re<br />

honest with ourselves, we can admit that sometimes we’ve “missed it,”<br />

and looking back we can see that the “peace” we were being led by in<br />

some situations was not God’s peace, but rather our own peace often<br />

being directed by our selfish desires. Being led by the peace of God is<br />

definitely a Scriptural way to make decisions (Phil. 4:7), but we will<br />

only have God’s peace if we have God’s government established in our<br />

lives. Peace is like an umpire at a baseball game who enforces the rules<br />

that are already in place. Umpires cannot change the rules, they only<br />

enforce them. The peace of God does not make the rules; it only<br />

enforces the rules that are already established in our hearts. God’s<br />

peace comes from having the government of God in your life. If we<br />

don’t have God’s government in our lives, then we will have Satan’s<br />

government, which is based on lawlessness, or “doing what is right in<br />

your own eyes.” If our lives are not based on God’s Word (His Law -<br />

His government) then the “peace” that we are led by is not necessarily<br />

the peace of God, but will reflect the order/law/government that is<br />

already established in our heart. Satan’s government has a motto…<br />

“Survival of the fittest;” whoever is the strongest will kill and devour<br />

the weaker. Everyone’s life is established on some form of<br />

government. It may be lawlessness, but that is still a government… the<br />

government of this current world.<br />

BUT… There has been a seed planted (Jesus) in the earth whose fruit is<br />

righteousness! This seed is sown in peace by those who make peace<br />

(James 3:18), and by the laws of sowing and reaping this seed will<br />


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