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The Birthing of Zion’s <strong>Sons</strong><br />

The only place that Zion is mentioned in the <strong>book</strong> of Revelation is in<br />

connection with the 144,000 saints who are sealed with the Father’s<br />

name written on their foreheads (Rev. 7:3, 14:1). We have seen that<br />

Zion is representative of the Church and more specifically of the Bride<br />

of Christ who is called out from the church. These 144,000 are birthed<br />

out from the Bride of Christ and stand with the Lamb who is the head<br />

of His body. This is a beautiful picture of unity, because the next<br />

verses go on to show that the “voice of many waters like the voice of<br />

loud thunder,” and “the sound of harpists playing their harps” comes<br />

from these 144,000 redeemed saints. They are all speaking and singing<br />

the same thing spiritually and so it sounds like “many waters” and<br />

“loud thunder,” because they are one with the Lamb and therefore one<br />

with each other. The world will finally see and know that the Father<br />

loves them and that He has sent Jesus as His only Son! Not because of<br />

our church programs or Christian bumper stickers, but because we will<br />

“be made perfect in one” as Jesus promised! (John 17:22-23).<br />

These 144,000 are not defiled with other “loves” in this world. They<br />

are spiritual virgins, because they have set their sights on loving Jesus<br />

as their main goal in life and Him alone. They do not let other cares or<br />

distractions take them away from their first love. The 144,000 are<br />

emptied of “self-life” and have allowed the life of their savior to flow<br />

through them. They are without fault and blameless because their<br />

entire self-worth and right-standing relies practically (not just<br />

judicially) on the blood of the Lamb. They walk by faith and not by<br />

sight where the blood of Jesus cleanses them from all unrighteousness.<br />

The 144,000 found on Mount Zion are called “firstfruits” (Rev. 14:4).<br />

Firstfruits are grains or crops that have reached maturity earlier (first),<br />

before the general harvest. The 144,000 will be believers who have<br />

reached the place of maturity before the rest of the believers. They will<br />

have learned, through “the way of the Cross” and the grace of God, to<br />

abide (be one) with Jesus and with each other in His body. God’s plan<br />

is unity in diversity. We are not all to be the same “cookie cutter<br />

Christians” looking and acting alike. But we can still be unified<br />

together in the spirit, and maintain our individual callings in God. This<br />

true unity will bring the perfection that the apostle Paul longed for<br />

(Philippians 3:12-16).<br />


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