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<strong>Sons</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Glory</strong><br />

15:22,25,28 shows: “for it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to<br />

lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things...” If Jesus<br />

is head of the assembly then Jesus is well able to give us His mind on<br />

issues which is why Scriptures so often admonish us to be of “one<br />

mind” (Rom 15:5-7; 1Cor.1:10; 2Cor.13:11; Eph 4:3, and Phil 2:2,<br />

4:2). The problem is often a matter of patience and trust. If Jesus was<br />

able to entrust the entire future of God’s Kingdom on earth to His<br />

disciples who had just betrayed Him, how much more should we be<br />

able to trust Christ who lives in our brothers and sisters regardless of all<br />

their imperfections. It is not about us, it is about Jesus IN us (Col.<br />

1:27) and we must be patient until we see Him.<br />

This trust will build a unity that is unbreakable. The scheme of the<br />

enemy is to divide and then conquer, which is why we have so many<br />

denominations and sects. We need to be able to communicate about<br />

our differences without “cutting off” each other. We need to endeavor<br />

to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, even if we cannot<br />

come to agreement on every single issue. We already HAVE a unity in<br />

the Spirit, because Eph. 4:3 tells us to KEEP it, and this unity does not<br />

have to be broken because of minor doctrinal disagreements. Satan is<br />

the one who brings division and is behind “cutting off” people from<br />

fellowship who see things differently than we do.<br />

God is changing how we understand “church” and part of this paradigm<br />

shift is understanding how spiritual authority works apart from the<br />

controlling and dominating hierarchical methods of civil authority.<br />

This will liberate and set free God’s leaders from false obligations to<br />

unrighteously “rule over” others. It will also set God’s people free to<br />

hear from God themselves and function in their high calling as priests<br />

and kings. I pray that this false doctrine of the Nicolaitans will be<br />

exposed and repented of so that Jesus can once again be head of His<br />

church and so that we can see His glory in His Bride Body.<br />

This proper understanding of authority will help prepare us for the<br />

coming new age of the Kingdom. The Kingdom Age is expanded upon<br />

in the Scriptures as the “Covenant of Peace.” The next chapter will<br />

discuss this Covenant of Peace which God has made with mankind<br />

describing the Millennial (1,000 year) Age in which we find ourselves<br />

transitioning into. It will be a time when mature sons come to glory!<br />


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