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Are There Women Apostles <strong>To</strong>day?<br />

out like demons, rather they must be “wrestled” with and taken down<br />

through much prayer and intercession and patience.<br />

But there is a DIVINE CULTURE where the Mind of Christ prevails.<br />

While this divine culture has not yet been physically established in the<br />

earth, it is steadily being established in the hearts of God’s people who<br />

seek the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul and love not their<br />

lives even unto death (Rev. 12:10,11). This “divine culture” was the<br />

established “pattern of thought, speech and action” in the garden of<br />

Eden before mankind disobeyed and fell into sin. A “pure language”<br />

(Zeph. 3:9) will be restored during the millennium, which will help in<br />

this divine culture. 19<br />

It was a result of mankind’s sin that women were given a subservient<br />

role to man in marriage, and this is only in a marriage relationship, not<br />

every woman to every man. Notice what God said would happen to<br />

woman due to sin in Genesis 3:16- “I will greatly multiply your sorrow<br />

and your conception, in pain you shall bring forth children. Your<br />

desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” But<br />

before the fall, Adam did not “rule over” Eve because they walked in<br />

perfect love and harmony with each other. Likewise, as this “divine<br />

culture” becomes more and more established in the earth by the power<br />

of the Holy Spirit, we can expect to start seeing these results of sin<br />

reversed back to the garden paradise unity where husband and wife<br />

walk as one.<br />

The Scriptures call both Miriam and Deborah a “prophetess” (Exodus<br />

15:20, Judges 4:4). The Lord spoke to Miriam, Aaron and Moses as a<br />

threesome in the tabernacle (Numbers 12:4, Micah 6:4), and Deborah<br />

was a judge in Israel, which is one of the functions of an apostle. So<br />

the precedent for women in leadership roles is firmly established in the<br />

Scriptures even within a culture where women were considered<br />

“second class.” Also, Lydia in Acts 16 was a woman leader of her<br />

home church, and Aquilla and Priscilla were a husband wife team that<br />

functioned as co-leaders at their local church. (1 Cor. 16:19)<br />

Jesus had a habit of appearing to women first, such as after His<br />

resurrection to Mary and to the woman at the well at the beginning of<br />

His ministry. The virgin Mary set a precedent by being a woman given<br />


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