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Historically, our western beliefs are to some degree cyclical and oscillate to and fro: sex<br />

is bad, sex is great; war is bad, war is good; God is cruel and vindictive, God is just and<br />

merciful; children need discipline, discipline is traumatic to kids; the poor are depraved, the<br />

poor are deprived; the universe is "natural" or uniformitarian, it is "supernatural" or cataclysmic;<br />

etc. In most cases our imprinting controls the operation of our minds for the rest of<br />

our lives. It's as if our EBS is to our minds as the operating system is to a computer.<br />

As adults, when our EBS is threatened by contrary facts or logic, we either bias our<br />

perception of the facts, ignore them completely, or become filled with irrational rage.<br />

Whether longshoreman or philosopher, anything that threatens our rice bowl, pride, prestige,<br />

or EBS, will be met with one of the above responses. This is an intensely human reaction.<br />

Our EBS is capable of modification only to a small degree. Change mainly depends on<br />

the subject matter and the logic of the person involved. The old saying, "You can't teach an<br />

old dog new tricks" derives from this observation, because changes are usually slow and<br />

very limited. Neither brain nor computer can function outside the limits imposed, whether<br />

it's the EBS in man or the operating system in a computer. EBS governs what we are allowed<br />

to think about, what logic we may use for decision making, and what facts we may consider.<br />

Hypnosis is an excellent demonstration of the usually temporary distortion of a person's<br />

EBS. The hypnotist, by modification of the subject's sensory input, enables the subject to<br />

believe he sees or hears only what the hypnotist commands. The hypnotic subject may also<br />

be given input that is contrary to reality or logic, yet he will still accept that input.<br />

Not even science escapes our EBS. If it did, then the Ptolemaic system of astronomy<br />

could not have remained in vogue for well over 1,000 years. The philosophers of yesteryear<br />

were as intelligent as modern ones. Yet, due to an implanted EBS, they consistently set<br />

about proving that all celestial bodies were embedded in hollow crystalline spheres that<br />

tinkled as they rotated, each one inside the other, encircling this flat world.<br />

For over a thousand years the basis of the Christian religion was the Old Testament<br />

wherein God was depicted as ... a cruel God, a vindictive God, a jealous God! For that same<br />

period of time the philosophers believed that our Earth was sculpted by forces generated by<br />

incredible volcanoes, humongus waves, and world shaking earthquakes. This was aptly<br />

named "Catastrophism", and it was in harmony with the religious thought of that time.<br />

When the New Testament unveiled a just and merciful God, catastrophism began to<br />

fade, and newer philosophers, exemplified by Charles Darwin, came to believe that our<br />

world was molded by slow and subtle processes. This philosophy, diametrically opposed to<br />

the old, is called "Uniformitarianism" and it too is in harmony with the religious thought of<br />

our time.<br />

Experts of every denomination, whether religious or scientific, do not always espouse<br />

the truth, even if they happen to know it. Harmony between philosophy and religion doesn't<br />

necessarily give us the truth. As I said at the beginning, people have great difficulty reconciling<br />

facts anomalous to their basic philosophy, or EBS.<br />


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