The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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'm^ff'^i'^VT^'imfKf'iff^^T'i^Ki^WO^<br />

^5 <strong>The</strong> cMerittriout '<strong>Price</strong> $f eur Parti.<br />

.<br />

h^MaLion} And the Majforites Bible doth follow both readitig^^hey<br />

didhite ^s a Lm7,~\ I agree with M. Ainfyvorth and<br />

M. Brtughton, thai both readings are alike the work ot the holy<br />

Ghoil, becaufc fomtimcs the holy Gh<strong>of</strong>l doth annex both readings<br />

together- as in Lffkj^. ai^ from that example Tranllators may<br />

wcli j:>yn both readings together, cfpecially where no uncouthneS<br />

Gi'pl^.ra'e is put inta the Traafiation, as in this Text they may fiitc<br />

well together; an J tl.eret'cre I joyn them Logecher thus, <strong>The</strong>y<br />

have Lie fi. lilif pierced. This piercing is borrowed from Gen. 5<br />

V where God fore-told that the feet or foot-fbaLs <strong>of</strong> the feed <strong>of</strong><br />

1<br />

ths! Woman fhould be pierced;, but David in this PQlm doth foretd,<br />

that Iiis hands (hould be pitrced as well as his feet ; and the<br />

manner alfo is here exprt iTcd, namely, that it fliould be done with<br />

Lion-like cruelty ;<br />

David did not think one word furiScient to fee<br />

and therefore he doth<br />

out the rage <strong>of</strong> the Scribes and Pharifces,<br />

ouple two words together to expreft it j<br />

fte with what violence<br />

and cagerncfs <strong>of</strong> rpiric the Scribes and Pharifcs did perfecute our<br />

Sivior, to have his body rent and torn by crucifying, in Mat. 27.<br />

1 3. 5 5. it was done with Lion-like cruelty.<br />

V. 1 8 . <strong>The</strong>y parted hi* Garments atntng them, and cajt lots uf.<br />

on his Vefittre: and this they did,becau{c hit coat was withont<br />

fcam^ Afat. 27. 1 5. John 19. 2 5, 24.<br />

V. 19 , 20, 21. Be notfarf-tm me,0 L»rd, myjlrength.hut h.tjien<br />

to help me : Deliver mj fottlfiom thefvrord^ and my darling<br />

from the po'^er <strong>of</strong> thcfe Dogs^andfave me fiom the Lions,<br />

and from the horns <strong>of</strong> thefe Vnicorns : ^nfivtr thou me ;<br />

that is to fay. Hear, and Deliver me, as Pfal. 3 . 6. 7fal. 38.17.<br />

namt ly,by delivering my fjul our <strong>of</strong> the hands <strong>of</strong> all my malignant<br />

Adverfarics by ray refurr - dion, and by revenging my unjurt ufage<br />

L'pon them.<br />

V. 2 2 . / »/// declare thy Name to my Brethren^ in the midfl <strong>of</strong><br />

the Congregation <<br />

namelyj<strong>of</strong> thy el' St Church j I^^illprarfe<br />

thee : See z\(o Pfai.io^. 51. JSis 2. 25:.<br />

Tius hav'j 1 llicwei unto you the dcpendance <strong>of</strong> the firH part <strong>of</strong><br />

this Pialm, by which you may fee how the fcopc <strong>of</strong> this P/alm doth<br />

i'et out the fuffcrings cf Chrifl to proceed not from Gods wrath,<br />

bin from mans wrath only .• neither do I find any thing <strong>of</strong> Gods<br />

i\ratl:;ei:hcrinthisj orinany ttherPfalm ; and yet Chrift doth<br />


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