The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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Pait I. ^edempthtt Mnd luftification cleered.<br />

fp^<br />

S3<br />

'JU.y<br />

But ifany defire funher fatisfadion in this point><br />

let them read<br />

in CJAtaksr'wi lerobo^ms Sons deccafc, and thcrc they may have<br />

further fatyfadion in thii point.<br />

And this diftindion<strong>of</strong> the fouls cafe from the bodies ca(e,may<br />

ftifficiently fcrrc as an anfwer to Mr. i^r/ni/ir, who doth labour<br />

to juAitie the imputation <strong>of</strong> our (ins and puniihmenc unto our<br />

mocent Savior in f/4. no. f. 444, 445:.<br />

Tradef. / dare notgo abont to pr$ve bj 4ny m»rt ArgumeMts thdt<br />

Chrifi dUbe»irourftyisby ^ois imp fttattan : §r that he b$ri the<br />

snrfe <strong>of</strong> the Larvfor our <strong>Redemption</strong> : J ddre notjufiifie the cemmen<br />

Vt^ine <strong>of</strong>impHtdtian Any further.<br />

Bftt now I kefire f enter upon 4 nerf difceurfe withyou dbeut the<br />

Meritorions price efeur Redemptien,<br />

PART. II.<br />

X.<br />

"Wherein is proved,<br />

Th/it Chrifi hath redeemed w fiom the eurfe <strong>of</strong>the La'w (not by<br />

Ji^ftfing thefaid curfe fir Wibut) by afatisf^Elory price <strong>of</strong> A~<br />

'iftwrwrw/, namely^by paying or perfirming unto his Father that<br />

]^nvfilnAble precious thing tfhis Mediatori4l0bedience,wherc'<br />

*<br />

<strong>of</strong> his MediAtortAlfiicrifice <strong>of</strong>atenemcnt "was the mdfier-piece,<br />

2.<br />

^^ Sinners Right eoufnefs or fufiification^is<br />

I cleved fiomfame common Errors,<br />

expUined, and<br />

Tradesman,<br />

WUat matter or thing "^as it that Chrifi paifl or performed<br />

to his Father for our <strong>Redemption</strong>^ or after What<br />

manner did Chri^ Redeem us from the curfe <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Law}<br />

DiviKe.<br />

That vhich Chfift did to Redeem us from thecurfc<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Law, was not by bearing the faid "^^^<br />

curfe really in our ftead ;<br />

*'"g <strong>of</strong><br />

I<br />

\ as the common dodrine <strong>of</strong> imputation doth teach ) but by pro- chtfrt'^aid for<br />

curing his Fathers Atonement by the ""'<br />

invaluable price or<br />

^"'^"^p'.'*^"<br />

pcrformj<br />

nee <strong>of</strong> hii own Me Jiarorial Obedience, where<strong>of</strong> his Mediato- Ki'lai obc(icaVci<br />

N 2<br />

rial<br />


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