The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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1<br />

Part I. <strong>Redemption</strong> andjuji/fication cUered. 5<br />

I fnould a^kyou, why Chrill feared and fweat fo fere.' what would<br />

you anfwtr rac was it foi fear <strong>of</strong> ihe pains <strong>of</strong> pirgaCory } hec<br />

that (liall (o anfwer, is u ortliy to be laughed ro fcorn ; uherctore<br />

ti-.en Was k veril) evetifor feare<strong>of</strong> death, di^ k appcarerh piuin-<br />

Iv by his prayer, tor I ,c prayed to his Fjthcr, faying , Iftt he pojjiblejtt<br />

thisCuf p^jfc from me: VKAvdl Cup wai k that Cluul<br />

would have to pa'Je trom him i Surel/, it was no other Cup but<br />

''^^'•^^. ^^*<br />

fuclias tl.ctwo (oxW'^s oi Zebedeus mu.^ ''rink <strong>of</strong>; and what cup<br />

mulhheydrii.k:ot, but th; bitter Cup <strong>of</strong> theknaruralldeathj l'^'l9'<br />

theretore the Cup which Chrilt drank ot, was nothing elfe bu. ihc<br />

bitter Cup otdearh.<br />

Tra.lc!. / coifejfe that your inteyprttatlon <strong>of</strong> the cau'e <strong>of</strong><br />

Chrifis Jggr.y, doth maks we doubt efmy iKterpretutiott , andjtt<br />

J am act J at i> fed in the point in qpiefiiony bccaufe it ii further obySled<br />

that Chi ijh Jgony \V,f* fo extrearn, that hii Father iras<br />

fain tafendan Angtlio firtngthin him^ which M. Calvin thinks<br />

7VM yiotfer.t till tfttr he w.u i>i ak ^gvnj. and in all UktlihoodGoi<br />

Wiuldrothavefentan ey^'Jgelt<strong>of</strong>uppert him ATair.fl thefcAr <strong>of</strong><br />

his bodi/j diuth, therefore it was tojupport him under thejenfe <strong>of</strong><br />

hu Fathers wrath.<br />

Dizire. It palTcth my underHanding to finde ou: how an Angel<br />

C'"'uld fupporr our Saviour under the fcnfe<strong>of</strong> his Fathers wrath- can<br />

Angels appeafcGodi wrath or can Anixls fupport a mans fcul<br />

tob arit it isabfurd to thinkfb : God will n.t affordthe kail<br />

<strong>of</strong> water to cool any mam tongue that is tormented in the<br />

dr« p<br />

fl..me> <strong>of</strong> hii v^rath.• .herchre t.iat cannot b: the reafoii why.<br />

G«'d fent an Angel to comfort him.<br />

But on thAcntrary it is evident, that God doth o'len ufi to<br />

comfort his pcop'ca ainli the fear <strong>of</strong> deaih by the Miniftcry <strong>of</strong><br />

Angels; as for example, when i:/*// came to dellrt ^y j^^fc^, God<br />

hntan Angel tocom^rt him,G'f«.32.and\\hen 7)4.<br />

/V was call ci.rift** hewa.<br />

i.,totheLi:n«dcn to bv devoured, God fent an Angd tocomfori "ucMin, 10 he<br />

1 m^,Dan.6. and hf f^nt his Angel to deliver Feter out vi prifon thrMinii"y <strong>of</strong><br />

wlv n hisi'.eatli \^asdetcrmi,icJ; why then lliould n.tGodftnd Aiu'cUtocom-<br />

.in Angi 1 to comfort me Man Chrilt againtt tiic lear <strong>of</strong> deatli, fee the tVarot dcuh<br />

i.igaslu wastiucMar,hefloudm need <strong>of</strong> comfort aeainft<br />

tear<br />

otdcati.<br />

2 . TtiC Lord had bound himfJf by promife to fuppoic the Me-<br />

' - diator<br />

rU '"'^*''.'''^'**IV"<br />


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