The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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Kev.<br />

)<br />

8o <strong>The</strong> Meritorhm Mce 9f i»r Parti.<br />

Hell torments tormcnts <strong>of</strong> hcll for ever and ever ; for hell torments are confined<br />

arc confiicd to to thc proper pUcc <strong>of</strong> hell.<br />

\<br />

<strong>of</strong> hSrtKforc<br />

Reafon cAnntt be ( faith Mr. Broughttn in a Manufcript ) how in<br />

Bonecanfuffcr r6«/ World 4 jujt foul cor4Urufer He/!jorro'i(>fS : niithtr did art\<br />

the Torments tf ^., ,, ^ ^ i , , , , , , , tt •'<br />

hell inthisiife. pliMbU^rom God evirgiMTtce thdt waj : h nAturAi light the HeA<br />

then mxj judge ( as Aratw, C^tenander^, and fpimenides ) an,<br />

When God h«th for the ^ords <strong>of</strong> the old Ttfldment ,<br />

and their pro^erfenfe, the He<br />

then^forGrim- ^'"'^ ftatio» majf ']udge<br />

-^<br />

and for the Greckjrc&amem theGrcek^<br />

m« andLo- from whom the language is taken: But neither Grcti^ nor He<br />

ludjes"^'*^ brews ^ill give anj whit <strong>of</strong> help to themwh<strong>of</strong>aj that our Lor,<br />

fufferedthe torments <strong>of</strong> he/It andfuch as ciinemn hoth, Will not Ion<br />

find afprobation.<br />

Again tbe fame Authtu in3no:her manu'cript (airh thu^:<br />

fenfe <strong>of</strong> all the words in the Bible are plai»,(ither by natural light<br />

27>i|<br />

{ (iich as learned Po:ts do handle ) or elfc they are by Gods autheri.<br />

tyfome where explained : But no Wordes in all the Bible do exprefs<br />

any thing that (^hrifl fttffered thc tvrath <strong>of</strong> God for our fms, there-<br />

J9re it is nojmatl impiety for men, from general ( Metaphorical<br />

termeSy to gather fuch ajlrange particular j rone that ever fpakt<br />

Greek, ( Spirit or man) gathered hell Torments for the jufl from<br />

Haides, orfrom any other Greekjr Hebrew text.<br />

Again thc fame Author atiirmcth in Rev. 11.7. that Hell placet<br />

and hell torments are not in this life.<br />

And trusly it fccms to me that th /<br />

14. 10. and Jo/ewoi<br />

Throne <strong>of</strong>thc high before th0 throne <strong>of</strong> the Lamb -^<br />

do afcertd,<br />

konno^'bein' ^^^'^ ^«*^ "5, that all mensfeuls {both gioi and bad )<br />

themjdi^or Eccl. J.!, and the Hebrew Dodorsdoholdgi-nerally, that<br />

T»lh, ^liT ^f'^ ^^ '«^*^'^ ^^ "^('^ *f heaven^ and learned Mr. Richardfon doth<br />

affirm'. pp bably conjetSurc in his Phtl<strong>of</strong>ophicalAnnotations on Gen. i .that<br />

Hell place is feAted\'>Pithin the Element <strong>of</strong>fre: and why may it not<br />

be foj feeing that place is next before thc Throne <strong>of</strong>rhc Lamb,<br />

where hhn doth place it.' Rev. 14. 10. and ir ij ccrtainc bjf<br />

Z«^fV parable, that hell is feated neer unto heaven, orelfethe<br />

comparifr»ns that Luke ufeth to defcribe their neernUs were abfurJ.<br />

I. He defcribes their nctrnefs by tivo perfons talking together,<br />

the one in Heaven place, and the other in hul place. 2. He<br />

defjribe^ their neerncfs by feeing cach-othcrs CiTe, Lukj r

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