The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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P.^cIL<br />

hjiht Fathtrs Atonement,<br />

IIP<br />

And indeed the tigheoufnef^ which God the Father bcRowe^<br />

upon poor believing fiiincrs in making thrm finlefs by his Atonefnent,<br />

is an example <strong>of</strong> the highclt degree <strong>of</strong> Mercy, Charity,or<br />

Almes, thar the world can afford-, it is a high degree <strong>of</strong> mercy<br />

1<br />

in man todo jufliccto the opprefT-d, Pf. %i.},. hr.zz.-t^.Iob 2p.i2,<br />

3 . but it is a tar higher degree <strong>of</strong> mercy in 6'od to reconcile himfelf<br />

to his enemicSj and to makefinncrs juft zn6 innocent by bix<br />

merciful Aronemcnt ; and in t'r,is fcnfe Peter Aiartjr cals CTods<br />

Rightcoufrefsor Juuice,(yff^j Mercy ; Rom. 3.21. and in thisfenfc<br />

the ApOi^le ^zxih^that God had /(ppthted m di,iji in vhlch he vfifljudq^t<br />

the rvorii ir. Right etftfnefs^ AEi. 17.51. that is faith M. Broughton,<br />

He hath appointed A day in rrhich he Vpili favor the world in mercy,<br />

and liedotU exemplify his meaning '>ou Cod doth judge the world<br />

in rightcoufn.fs or in mcrcy,by 7y.$> 8.9. and 146.7,8. Gods juftice<br />

to believing finners is his mcrcy,bur his;uftice to unbelievers is his<br />

wrath •, and his jufticc is innumerable waies adminiftred,/y!7i. i ^.<br />

and 40.5. -£///« telleth lob, that the Almighty is<br />

k'^g <strong>of</strong> ftrength,<br />

ard that ve cannot alrcaies ^ndtm the reafltn <strong>of</strong> his corrections, but<br />

yet faith hc^Geddoth rvhat he doth $ut <strong>of</strong>^itjgemcnt^and out <strong>of</strong>plenty<br />

t^juflicejob 1<br />

7.1.^{.Broughton on this place faith, f/;rff G«dsjttfice<br />

to poor humbled fiiiners,is his mercy : and ii^ ch.7,1 23. Flihu tcllcth<br />

Icbi that if a meferrfr or teacher gne <strong>of</strong> a thousand befent (• fitch ax<br />

1 /y Hndtr gois affliUirg hand to teach them their rio^hteou'nefs (M.<br />

^<br />

'Brttfghtin cals it gods mercyWut is to Tiysto tfach them how they<br />

may be maJc righteous or Cv^k's, by Gr.ds merciai! Atonement received<br />

by faith .P^fw God'yt-il have mercy tipcnfr^ch right torn perfons<br />

and flare t hem f9m dtfcending into the pit, faying, Jhaveftur-da<br />

ranjom, namely, I have found farisfa^if n in Ci.ri:':f facific^ ot A-<br />

tonemcnr,\vhich is the ranfom cl poor believing {in:^crs 1rom(7oJs<br />

di(p! a'urc ;<br />

and ti.en in v. 26. hej^'allfray t§ thefuijfant, .uidhe<br />

jhAll itcrcf't him.and he f^aUfee hufae \ffithjoy,<br />

andhejhall reft$rt<br />

to miin /;;.< w//>f ,chat is to ay, be fiiall rcHorc to (iich ptr(«4is \\l<br />

m'Tciful Arcrrm"nr, which for the prcfen: was hii uc^mth-ir<br />

ccrfviierre by fin : Thf geneva note on v. 1^. faith, that godycia<br />

f-r^iv( i:i;n ht*fr^

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