The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net

The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William ... - Adkinshorton.net


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Part I. <strong>Redemption</strong> andjujlificathn chevei. 4<br />

1<br />

1 <strong>The</strong>y fay that his A;ony was f^ great that it maJe him (west<br />

great drops otblouJ, which trickled down from Ins body to the<br />

ground.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong>y fay that his Agony was fo great , that God was fain<br />

to fend an Angtl from hcavsn to /upport him under it.<br />

Luke doth (ct down the appearance <strong>of</strong> this Angel before his<br />

Agony : But Mr. Calvm doth artirm that hit Agony went before,<br />

and that it was the true caufe why God fent an Angel t»<br />

comtort him.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong>y fay, that if Chrifthad made alJ this adoc againft a<br />

mecr bodily death ,<br />

he fhould have fhevved himfelf to be more<br />

fearfull <strong>of</strong> death then many Martyrs have done-, for many Martyrs<br />

have died with more courage and Icffe<br />

fcare <strong>of</strong> death a great<br />

deal, and it is not credible that Chriil would fhcw more fear oi<br />

deal h then many Martyrs have done, but that fomeching clfc was<br />

the caufe- <strong>of</strong> it, namely Gods wrath. I.<br />

Divide. I will by degrees examine the interpretation <strong>of</strong> all z<br />

thefc Scriptures, A^atthew faith, That he wot grievottfly tronhled, t| *<br />

and yi/^ri^ faith, That he wm fore Afraid : Hence you infc", that<br />

Chrift could not be thus troubled and thus afraid at a mecr bo- ;<br />

dily death- <strong>The</strong>refore you conclude, that he was thus troubled<br />

]<br />

and afraid at the w rath <strong>of</strong> God inflided upon his foul for our fins.<br />

This interpretation is taken upon truft from other Exp<strong>of</strong>i:ors<br />

<<br />

but however, I conceive you will fee rcafon by and by to think 1<br />

that Chrirt made all this adoe againft a mecr bodily death only. ;<br />

T. D >e but conlidcrwhat a horrid thing to true humane na- 4<br />

tnrc the death ot the body is, and then conlider that Chrift had v<br />

a mie Humane Nature lik.' unto all other mcujcxcfpt in the point<br />

<strong>of</strong> fin : and therefore vn hy fh )uld not he be troubled with the<br />

frar <strong>of</strong> death, afmach as his Humane Nature could bear without<br />

fin.<br />

2. Doe but confider that all mankind ought to defirc and endevour<br />

to prcfcrve their naturall lives as much as in them lies in<br />

the afe <strong>of</strong> means, in obedience to the fixth Commandment : and<br />

tliereforc feeing ChriO ashe was true Man could not prevent his<br />

death by the uft <strong>of</strong> mi-ans,<br />

fear <strong>of</strong> death afmuch as any other man.<br />

he was bound to be troubled with the<br />

Fromihefe two confiJcraiions wee may eafily collet what<br />

<<br />

H 1 was<br />

^<br />

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