Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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EIF European Interoperability Framework<br />

EIFFEL Evolved Internet Future For European Leadership<br />

EIFOK Error In Front Of Keyboard (Slang)<br />

EIFS Extended Inter Frame Space<br />

EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol<br />

EIM Electronic Image Management<br />

EIMS Eudora Internet Mail Server<br />

EIN European Informatics Network<br />

EIP Enterprise Informational Portal<br />

EIP Extended Instruction Pointer<br />

EIP Extended Internet Protocol<br />

EIR Equipment Identity Register<br />

EIR Extended Inquiry Response<br />

EIRP Effective/Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power<br />

EIS Electronic/Employee/Emergency Information Services/System<br />

EIS Enterprise/Executive/Expert Information System<br />

EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture<br />

EISS Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit<br />

EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology<br />

EIT Event Information Table<br />

EITI European Interconnect Technology Initiative<br />

EITO European Information Technology Observatory<br />

EIUF European ISDN User Forum<br />

EIV Encryption Initialization Vector<br />

EJAS Enterprise Java Application Server<br />

EJB Enterprise Java Beans<br />

EJBQL Enterprise Java Beans Query Language<br />

EJB3 EJB 3.0: Enterprise Java Beans 3rd Edition<br />

EJO Electronic Journal Online<br />

EJP Enhanced Joystick Port<br />

EK Editor Kit<br />

EK Event Kernel<br />

EKK Elliptische-Kurven-Kryptosystem (ECC)<br />

EKL Electronic Key Line<br />

EKT Envelope-Kanal-Teiler<br />

EKTS Electronic Key Telephone Service/Sets<br />

EL Electroluminiscent (Display)<br />

EL Elevation<br />

EL Embedded Linux<br />

EL Erase Line<br />

ELAN Educational/Elementary Language<br />

ELAN Emulated Local Area Network<br />

ELANC Enhanced Local Area Network Controller<br />

ELAP e-LAP: Embedded Linux Application Platform<br />

ELAP Ethernet Link Access Protocol<br />

ELBG Enhanced Linde-Buzo-Gray (algorithm)<br />

ELC Embedded Linking and Control<br />

ELC Embedded Linux Consortium<br />

ELD Electroluminescent Display<br />

ELD Electronic License Distribution<br />


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