Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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IS Interrupt Status<br />

ISA Industry Standard Architecture<br />

ISA Informationssystem Studienwahl und Arbeitsmarkt, Duisburg/Essen<br />

ISA Instruction Set Architecture<br />

ISA Integrated Services Architecture<br />

ISA Interactive Services Association<br />

ISA Internet Security and Acceleration (Server)<br />

ISAKMP Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol<br />

ISAM Index/Indexed Sequential Access Method<br />

ISAPI Internet Server API<br />

ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description<br />

ISBN International Standard Book Number<br />

ISBT It’s Strange But True (Slang)<br />

ISC Instruction Set Computer<br />

ISC Internet Service/Storm Center<br />

ISC Internet Systems Consortium<br />

ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture<br />

ISCB Interessengemeinschaft sehgeschädigter Computerbenutzer<br />

ISCSI Internet SCSI<br />

ISD Image Section Descriptor<br />

ISD Instructional System Design<br />

ISD International Standard Data Network<br />

ISDB Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (Japan)<br />

ISDBC ISDB-C: Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting – Cable<br />

ISDBT ISDB-T: Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting – Terrestrial<br />

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network<br />

ISDN Isosorbitdinitrat<br />

ISDN Ist sowas denn nötig? (Slang)<br />

ISFET Ionensensitiver Feldeffekttransitor<br />

ISFT Industrial Siemens Flatpanel Technology<br />

ISH Information Superhighway<br />

ISI Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California<br />

ISI Information Society Index<br />

ISI Institute for Scientific Information, USA<br />

ISI Inter Symbol Interference<br />

ISI Internally Specified Index<br />

ISIN International Securities Identification Number<br />

ISIS IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System Protocol (OSI)<br />

ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification<br />

ISL Imperceptible Structured Light<br />

ISL Initial System Loader<br />

ISL Interactive System Language<br />

ISL Intersatellite Link<br />

ISLICE I-SLICE: Intra Slice (Video)<br />

ISM Industrial, Scientific, Medical (Applications)<br />

ISMA Internet Streaming Media Alliance<br />

ISMP Internet Message Support Protocol<br />

ISMS Information Security Management System<br />

ISMSRD ISM SRD: Industrial, Science, Medical Short Range Devices<br />

ISN Internet School/Shopping Networking<br />


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