Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy<br />

PDI Packet Driver Interface<br />

PDI Personal/Product Data Interchange<br />

PDI Preservation Description Information<br />

PDF Probability Density/Distribution Function<br />

PDIAL Public Dialup Internet Access List<br />

PDIF Product Definition Interchange Format<br />

PDL Page Description Language<br />

PDL Primary Defect List<br />

PDL Program Design/Description Language<br />

PDL Push Down List<br />

PDLC Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal<br />

PDM Product and Document Management<br />

PDM Product Data Management<br />

PDM Projekt- und Datenmanagement<br />

PDM Pulsdauer-Modulation<br />

PDN Public Data Network<br />

PDO Packet Data Optimized<br />

PDO Portable Distributed Object<br />

PDO Prozessdatenobjekt<br />

PDP Packet Data Protocol<br />

PDP Parallel Distributed Processing<br />

PDP Peer Dicovery Protocol<br />

PDP Plasma Display Panel<br />

PDP Policy Decision Point<br />

PDP Programmed Data Processor (PDP-1 ... PDP-11, DEC)<br />

PDQ Pretty Darned Quick (Slang)<br />

PDR Packet Drop Rate<br />

PDR Program Data Requirement<br />

PDS Packet Driver Specification<br />

PDS Partitioned Data Set<br />

PDS Processor Direct Slot (Apple)<br />

PDS Professional Development System<br />

PDS Program Design Specification<br />

PDS Public Domain Software<br />

PDSL Power Line Digital Subscriber Line<br />

PDSS Program/Post Development Support System<br />

PDT Portables Daten-Terminal<br />

PDT Programmable Drive Table<br />

PDT Produktionsdatentechnik<br />

PDT Propagation Delay Time<br />

PDTE Packet-mode DTE<br />

PDU Packet/Protocol Data Unit (OSI)<br />

PDU Power Distribution Unit<br />

PDV Path Delay Value<br />

PE Parity Error<br />


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