Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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FT Free Term<br />

FT Funkentelegraphie<br />

FTA Final Type Approval<br />

FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management (OSI)<br />

FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Slang)<br />

FTB Front To Back Algorithm<br />

FTBS Failed To Build from Source<br />

FTC Fax Transfer Centre<br />

FTC Federal Trade Commission, USA<br />

FTDS Failure Tolerant Disk System<br />

FTEG Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen<br />

FTG File-Transfer-Gebührenbezug<br />

FTG Final Trunk Group<br />

FTG Full Tensor Gradient<br />

FTL Faster Than Light (Slang)<br />

FTL Fixed Term License<br />

FTL Flash Translation Layer<br />

FTLS Formal Top Level Specification<br />

FTP File Transfer Profile (Bluetooth)<br />

FTP File Transfer Protocol (Internet)<br />

FTP Foiled Twisted Pair<br />

FTPI Flux Transitions Per Inch<br />

FTPS File Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL (Internet)<br />

FTR Failed To Return<br />

FTR Fast Token Ring<br />

FTR Fast Transient Response<br />

FTR Feature Test Release<br />

FTR File Typing Rules<br />

FTR For This Reason (Slang)<br />

FTR Forget The Rest (Slang)<br />

FTR Frame Transfer Repring<br />

FTR Full Test/Text Retrieval<br />

FTRT Faster Than Real Time (Slang)<br />

FTS Fahrerlose Transportsysteme<br />

FTS Fidonet Transport Standard<br />

FTS File Transfer Service<br />

FTTB Fiber To The Basement/Building<br />

FTTC Fiber To The Curb<br />

FTTG Fiber To The Galaxy<br />

FTTH Fiber To The Home<br />

FTTL Fiber To The Loop<br />

FTTN Fiber To The Neighbourhood<br />

FTTP Fiber To The Premises<br />

FTZ Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt<br />

FTZ Forschungs- und Technologie-Zentrum der DBP Telekom<br />

FU Functional Unit<br />

FUA Flow Update Acknowledge<br />

FUA Follow Up Amplifier<br />

FUBAHR Fouled Up Beyond All Hope of Recognition (Slang)<br />

FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition (Slang)<br />


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