Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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GPI Graphics Programming Interface<br />

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus<br />

GPIM Gigabit Interface Module<br />

GPIO General Purpose Input Output<br />

GPL General Public License (GNU)<br />

GPL Graphics Programming Language<br />

GPML Globally Protected Marks List<br />

GPNV General Purpose Non-Volatile (Area)<br />

GPON Gigabit(-capable) Passive Optical Network<br />

GPP Generic Packetized Protocol<br />

GPR Global Position Receiver<br />

GPRS General Packet Radio Service<br />

GPS General Problem Solver<br />

GPS Generalized Processor Sharing<br />

GPS Global Pizza Service<br />

GPS Global Positioning Satellite/System<br />

GPS Graphical Process Statistics<br />

GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing<br />

GPSS General Purpose Simulation System<br />

GPT GUID Partition Table<br />

GPU Graphic/Graphical Processing/Processor Unit<br />

GQL Graphical Query Language<br />

GQM Goal, Question, Metric<br />

GQOS Guaranteed Quality Of Service<br />

GRA Group Random Access<br />

GRACCE Grand Challenge Computational Environment<br />

GRAM Globus Resource Allocation Manager<br />

GRASP General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception<br />

GRD Grinning, Running + Ducking (Slang)<br />

GRE Generic Router/Routing Encapsulation (CISCO)<br />

GRE Graphics Engine<br />

GREAT Graphical Environment And Desktop<br />

GRED Generic Random Early Detection<br />

GREP Global Regular Expression and Print<br />

GRETL GNU Regression, Econometric and Timeseries Library<br />

GRH Global Route Header<br />

GRIB Gridded Binary (code, data format)<br />

GRID Global Resource Identifier<br />

GRIO Guaranteed Input Output Bandwidth<br />

GRIS Grid Resource Information Service<br />

GRJ Gatekeeper Reject<br />

GRL Global Revocation List<br />

GRO Generic Receive Offload (infrastructure)<br />

GRP General Registration Protocol<br />

GRPS General Radio Packet System<br />

GRQ Gatekeeper Request<br />

GRS Generic Record Syntax<br />

GRSC Global Radio Standardization/Standards Collaboration<br />

GRUB Grand Unified Bootloader<br />

GS Geek of Science<br />


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