Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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PCD Photo Compact Disc<br />

PCD Plasma Coupled Device<br />

PCD POSIX Conformance Document<br />

PCD Protein Coated Disc<br />

PCDATA Parsed Character Data<br />

PCE Path Computation Element<br />

PCE Phase Change Erasable<br />

PCF Packaged Collaboration File<br />

PCF Parallel Computing Forum<br />

PCF Point Coordination Function<br />

PCF Portable Compiled Font<br />

PCG Project Coordination Group<br />

PCH Paging Channel<br />

PCI Payment Card Industry<br />

PCI Peripheral Component/Controller Interface<br />

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (Bus)<br />

PCI Programmable Communication Interface<br />

PCI Protocol Control Information<br />

PCIDSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard<br />

PCIE Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (Bus)<br />

PCIEX2 PCIE X2: Peripheral Component Interconnect Express double speed<br />

PCIID PCI-ID: Peripheral Component Interconnect – Identifier<br />

PCIOS Processor Common Input Output System<br />

PCIPIO PCI Programmable Input/Output<br />

PCL Primary Copy Locking<br />

PCL Printer/Procedure/Process Control Language<br />

PCLAN Personal Computer Local Area Network<br />

PCM Physical Connection Management<br />

PCM Plug Compatible Machine<br />

PCM Puls-Code-Modulation<br />

PCMCIA PC Memory Card International Association<br />

PCN Personal Communication Network<br />

PCNFS Personal Computer Network File System<br />

PCP Parallel Coordiante Plot<br />

PCP Post’s Correspondence Problem<br />

PCP Probabistically Checkable Proof<br />

PCR Peak Cell Rate<br />

PCR Phase Change Recording<br />

PCRAM Phase Change Random Access Memory<br />

PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression<br />

PCS PC Service (OSF)<br />

PCS Personal Communication Services/System<br />

PCS Personal Conferencing Specification<br />

PCS Physical Coding Signalling/Sublayer<br />

PCS Pinball Construction Set<br />

PCS Port Concentrator Shelf<br />

PCS Pre Collision System<br />

PCS Print Contrast Signal<br />

PCS Probabilistic Clock Synchronization<br />

PCS Program Control System<br />


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