Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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LIPX Large Internet Packet Exchange<br />

LIR Library of International Relations<br />

LIR Line Reference<br />

LIR Local Internet Registry<br />

LIRA Learning Information Retrieval Agent<br />

LIRC Linux Infrared Remote Control<br />

LIS Logical IP Subnetwork<br />

LISA Localization Industry Standards Association<br />

LISP List Processing (Language/Program)<br />

LISP Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses<br />

LIT Laboratory/Language Integration Test/Testing<br />

LIT Leave In Time<br />

LIT Load Initial Table<br />

LIT Logic Integrity Test<br />

LITA Library and Information Technology Association, USA<br />

LIVE Linux Verband e. V., Frickenhausen<br />

LK Linienkoppler<br />

LK Löschkandidat (Wikipedia)<br />

LKCD Linux Kernel Crash Dump<br />

LKM Loadable Kernel Module<br />

LKML Linux Kernel Mailing List<br />

LKP Local Knowledge Pool<br />

LKS Loadable Kernel Server<br />

LL Leased Line<br />

LL Local Loopback<br />

LLA Latitude, Longitude, Altitude<br />

LLA Link Level Access<br />

LLC Logical Link Control<br />

LLC Low Layer Compatibility<br />

LLC2 Logical Link Control Class 2<br />

LLF Least Laxity First<br />

LLF Low Level Format<br />

LLG Lesser Linux God<br />

LLH Logical Link Header<br />

LLNL Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory, USA<br />

LLOC Lines Of Code<br />

LLP Link Layer Protocol<br />

LLP Live Long and Prosper (Slang)<br />

LLR Lag and Latency Reduction<br />

LLR Least-Loaded Route<br />

LLS Linear Least Squares<br />

LLTA Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause (Slang)<br />

LLU Link Local Use<br />

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (Slang)<br />

LMAP Lightweight MTA Authentication Protocol<br />

LMB Line Mode Browser<br />

LMB Local Master Browser<br />

LMBCS Lotus Multibyte Character Set<br />

LMDO Laughing My Diaper Off (Slang)<br />

LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service<br />


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