Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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ISNS Internet Storage Naming Service<br />

ISO International Standardization Organization<br />

ISOC Internet Society<br />

ISODE ISO Development Environment (OSI)<br />

ISOTEC Integrated Software Technology<br />

ISP Image Synthesis Processor<br />

ISP International Standardized Profile<br />

ISP Internet Service Provider<br />

ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer<br />

ISP Interrupt Status Port<br />

ISPB Information Systems Policy Board<br />

ISPBX ISDN Private Branche Exchange<br />

ISPF Interactive Structured Programming Facility (IBM)<br />

ISPI Institut für Integrierte Publikationssysteme, Darmstadt<br />

ISPLSI in-system-programmable LSI<br />

ISPO Information Society Project Office<br />

ISQIT Information Systems Quality Improvement Team<br />

ISR Information Storage and Retrieval<br />

ISR Intermediate Session Routing<br />

ISR Interrupt Service Routine<br />

ISRC International Standard Recording Code<br />

ISRD iSRD: Infrared Smart Removal of Defects (SilverFast)<br />

ISRN International Standard Recording Number<br />

ISSA Information Systems Security Association<br />

ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference<br />

ISSE Information Security Solutions Europe<br />

ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension<br />

ISSI Individual Short Subscriber Identity<br />

ISSN International Standard Serial Number<br />

ISSO Information System Security Officer<br />

ISSP Inter-Switch Signalling Protocol<br />

ISSP Internet Satellite Service Provider<br />

ISSS IBM Speech Server Services<br />

ISST (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik<br />

IST Information Society Technologies (Programme)<br />

IST Internet Transaction Server<br />

ISTF Internet Science and Technology Fair<br />

ISTF Internet Societal Task Force<br />

ISTM It Seems To Me (Slang)<br />

ISTO Information Science and Technology Office<br />

ISTPA International Security, Trust + Privacy Alliance<br />

ISTR I Seem To Remember (Slang)<br />

ISU Industry Solution Unit (IBM)<br />

ISUG International SGML/XML Users’ Group<br />

ISUP ISDN User Part<br />

ISUS Information Services and User Support (DFN)<br />

ISV Independent Software Vendor<br />

ISVR Intel Smart Video Recorder<br />

ISWIM If you See What I Mean (Slang)<br />

ISWL International Short Wave League<br />


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