Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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W3C World Wide Web Consortium<br />

WAA Wavelet Analysis and its Applications<br />

WAA Web Analytics Association<br />

WAA Web Application Adaptor<br />

WAA Wireless Advertising Association<br />

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System<br />

WAB What Another Bill (Slang)<br />

WAB Windows Address Book (Microsoft)<br />

WABI Windows Application Binary Interface<br />

WACK Wait Acknowledgement<br />

WACS Wireless Access Communications System<br />

WAD Wählautomat für Datenverbindungen<br />

WADE Web Application Development Environment<br />

WADE Wireless Area Detection Enclosure<br />

WADE Workflows and Agents Development Environment<br />

WADFS Wide Area Distributed File System<br />

WAE Worked All Europe<br />

WAENA Wide Area Educational Network<br />

WAF Web Application Firewall<br />

WAF Womens’ Acceptance Factor<br />

WAFL Write Anywhere File Layout<br />

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C)<br />

WAIK Windows Automated Installation Toolkit<br />

WAIS Wide Area Information Servers/Service<br />

WAITS Wide Area Information Transfer System<br />

WAL Write Ahead Logging<br />

WAM Warren Abstract Machine<br />

WAM Wide Amplitude Modulation<br />

WAMKSAM Why Are My Kids Staring At Me? (Slang)<br />

WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python<br />

WAMPP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl<br />

WAMPUM Ward’s Automated Menu Package Using Microcomputers<br />

WAN Wide Area Network<br />

WAO Warteschlange der ablaufbereiten Objekte<br />

WAP Wireless Application Protocol<br />

WAP Wireless Audio Player<br />

WAP Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplatz<br />

WAPECS Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communication Services<br />

WAPI Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure<br />

WAR Waiting for the Release (Slang)<br />

WAR Web Application Archive<br />

WAR Web Application Repository<br />

WAR Web Archive<br />

WAR Wireless Access Revolution<br />

WAR Word Address Register<br />

WAR Write After Read<br />

WARC World Administrative Radio Conference<br />

WARP Wave Reduction Patterns<br />

WAS Web Application Security<br />

WAS Web/Websphere Application Server (IBM)<br />


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