Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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CFD Call For Discussion (Usenet)<br />

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics<br />

CFDP Coherent File Distribution Protocol (Internet)<br />

CFDPCLN Coherent File Distribution Protocol Client<br />

CFDPTKT Coherent File Distribution Protocol Ticket<br />

CFE Common Firmware Environment<br />

CFE Connected Family Environment<br />

CFG Configuration<br />

CFH COBOL File Handler<br />

CFI Canonical Format Indicator<br />

CFL Context Free Language<br />

CFM Clock From Master<br />

CFM Code Fragment Manager<br />

CFM Common Functional Model<br />

CFM Configuration Management<br />

CFML ColdFusion Markup Language<br />

CFNR Call Forward/Forwarding on No Reply/Response<br />

CFOR Conversational FORTRAN<br />

CFP Call For Proposal<br />

CFP Computer, Freedom and Privacy<br />

CFP Content/Contention Free Period<br />

CFQ Completely Fairness Queuing<br />

CFR Computerized Facial Recognition<br />

CFR Controlled Ferro Resonant (-USV)<br />

CFRI California Federation of Research Internets<br />

CFS Caching/Central/Common/Cryptographic File System<br />

CFS Completely Fair Scheduler<br />

CFSQL ColdFusion Structured Query Language<br />

CFT Chirp Fourier Transform<br />

CFT Cray Fortran Compiler<br />

CFTT Computer Forensics Tool Testing<br />

CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional<br />

CFV Call For Votes (Usenet)<br />

CFX ColdFusion Extended<br />

CFX Compact Formfactor Extended<br />

CFX Computer Forensic Examiner<br />

CFX Content File Exchange<br />

CG Cg: C for Graphics<br />

CG Computer Graphics<br />

CG Control Gate/Group<br />

CG Core Gateway<br />

CG Cyclic Group<br />

CGA Color Graphics Adapter (PC)<br />

CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithm Library<br />

CGATS Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards<br />

CGE (Linux) Carrier Grade Edition<br />

CGE Common Graphics Environment<br />

CGE Compagnie General d’Electricite<br />

CGI Common Gateway Interface<br />

CGI Common/Composite/Computer Graphics Interface<br />


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