Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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TSCC Time Slot Control Channel<br />

TSE Text Setup Environment<br />

TSF Timing Synchronization Function<br />

TSIG Transaction Signature(s)<br />

TSK Task<br />

TSK The Sleuth Kit (Software)<br />

TSK Touch Sensitive Keyboard<br />

TSK Traffic Security Key<br />

TSK Transient Session Key<br />

TSM Terminal Server Manager (DEC)<br />

TSM Tivoli Storage Manager<br />

TSO TCP Segmentation Offload<br />

TSO Time Sharing Option (IBM)<br />

TSOHF Total Sense Of Humour Failure (Slang)<br />

TSOP Thin Small Outline Package<br />

TSP Texture and Shading Processor<br />

TSP Time-Stamp Protocol<br />

TSP Travelling Salesman Problem<br />

TSPI Telephony Service Provider Interface<br />

TSPS Traffic Service Position System<br />

TSR Terminate and Stay Resident<br />

TSS Task State Segment<br />

TSS TCP Support for Sensor Networks<br />

TSS Telecommunications Standardisation/Standards Sector (ITU)<br />

TSS Temex-Schnittstelle<br />

TSS Time Sharing System<br />

TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache<br />

TST Transmit Start Threshold<br />

TSTN Triple Supertwisted Nematic<br />

TSW Tele-Software<br />

TSWTCM Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker<br />

TT Terminal Timing<br />

TT Tracing Thread<br />

TT Trunk Type<br />

TTA The True Audio (codec)<br />

TTA Time To Alarm/Answer<br />

TTA Time/Transport Triggered Architecture<br />

TTA Transmission Temporelle Asynchrone<br />

TTA Tree-Trellis Algorithm<br />

TTAP Trust Technology Assessment Program<br />

TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge (Slang)<br />

TTCAN Time Triggered Communications Area Network<br />

TTCN Testing and Test Control Notation<br />

TTF Truetype Font, Timetable File<br />

TTFF Time To First Fix (GPS)<br />

TTFN Ta Ta For Now (Slang)<br />

TTI Teaching, Training, and Information<br />

TTL Time To Live<br />

TTL Transistor-Transistor-Logik<br />

TTLS Tunneled Transport Layer Security<br />


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