Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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VFPI Verein zur Förderung der Pädagogik der Informationstechnologie<br />

VFS Versioning File System<br />

VFS Virtual File System<br />

VFSDX Verordnung für den Fernschreib- und Datexdienst<br />

VFW Video For Windows (Microsoft)<br />

VG Versionsgeschichte (software versioning)<br />

VG Volume Group<br />

VGA Vertical Grid Array<br />

VGA Video Graphics Array<br />

VGC Video Graphics Controller<br />

VGDA Volume Group Descriptor Area<br />

VGF Voice Grade Facility<br />

VGNV Verkehrsgebührennachverarbeitung<br />

VGRA Volume Group Reserved Area<br />

VGU Virtual Global University<br />

VHCI Virtual Host Controller Interconnect<br />

VHD Very/Video High Density<br />

VHD Virtual Hard Disk/Help Desk<br />

VHDCI Very High Density Cable Interconnect<br />

VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language<br />

VHDSL Very High Bit Rate/Speed Digital Subscriber Line<br />

VHE Virtual Home Environment<br />

VHF Very High Frequency (30 – 300 MHz)<br />

VHLL Very High Level Language<br />

VHS Very High Speed<br />

VHS Video Home System<br />

VHS Virtual Host Storage<br />

VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit<br />

VHSIM Very High Speed Interface Module<br />

VHT Verteilte Hash-Tabelle<br />

VIA Vendors ISDN Association<br />

VIA Virtual Interface Architecture<br />

VIAD Video Image Area Definition<br />

VIB Video Interface Bus<br />

VIB Virtualisierung im Bildungsbereich<br />

VIBTS VTAM Integrated Bulk Data Transfer System<br />

VIC Video/Voice Interface Card/Controller<br />

VID VLAN Identifier<br />

VID Voltage Identification<br />

VIDIX Video Interface for all universal executors<br />

VIKAR Virtueller Hochschulverbund Karlsruhe<br />

VIM Vendor Independent Messaging<br />

VINCE Vendor Independent Network Control Entity<br />

VINES Virtual Network/Networking System/Software (Banyan)<br />

VIO Video/Virtual/Voltage Input Output<br />

VIOLA Vertically Integrated Optical Testbed for Large Applications<br />

VIOLD Vision Impaired On-line Documentation (DEC)<br />

VIP Variable Information Processing<br />

VIP Video Input Processor<br />

VIP Video Interface Port<br />


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