Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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SDB Security Policy Database<br />

SDBM Selective Directed Broadcast Mode<br />

SDC Secondary Domain Controller<br />

SDC Secure Digital Card<br />

SDC Service Description Channel<br />

SDCC Small Device C Compiler<br />

SDCCH Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel<br />

SDCD Secondary Data Carrier Detect<br />

SDD Super Density Disk<br />

SDDC Single Device Data Correction<br />

SDDI Serial Digital Data Interface<br />

SDDI Shielded Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface<br />

SDDS Sony Dynamic Digital Sound<br />

SDE Software Development Environment<br />

SDF Signal Delay Format<br />

SDF Space Delimited File/Format<br />

SDF Standard/System Data Format<br />

SDF Structured Display File<br />

SDF System Data File<br />

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy<br />

SDHC Secure Digital High Capacity (Card)<br />

SDHT Selectively Doped Hetero Transistor<br />

SDI Selective Dissemination of Information<br />

SDI Serial Device/Digital Interface<br />

SDI Single Document Interface<br />

SDIF Standard Document Interchange Format<br />

SDIGN Vorschriftensammlung für digitale Netze<br />

SDIO Secure Digital Input/Output<br />

SDK Software Development/Developer’s Kit<br />

SDL Scene Description Language<br />

SDL Security Development Lifecycle<br />

SDL Simple Direct Media Layer<br />

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle<br />

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM)<br />

SDLP Standard Device Level Protocol<br />

SDLT Super Digital Linear Tape<br />

SDM Secure Digital Mini (card)<br />

SDM Security Device Manager<br />

SDM Short Data Message<br />

SDM Sub-rate Data Multiplexer<br />

SDMA Space Division Multiple Access<br />

SDMI Secure Digital Music Inititative<br />

SDMS SCSI Device Management System<br />

SDN Software Defined Network<br />

SDNS Secure Data Network Service/System<br />

SDO Servicedatenobjekt<br />

SDP Service Discovery Protocol<br />

SDP Session Description Protocol<br />

SDP Shared Development Process<br />

SDP Software Delivery Platform<br />


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