Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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CCSA Common Control Switching Arrangement<br />

CCSB The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, Karlsruhe<br />

CCSD Cellular Circuit-Switched Data<br />

CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems<br />

CCSE Checkpoint Certified Security Engineer<br />

CCSID Coded Character Set Identifier (IBM)<br />

CCSIS Community College Student Information System<br />

CCSP Contextually Communicating Sequential Process<br />

CCSS7 Common Channel Signalling System No. 7<br />

CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program<br />

CCT Computerized Communication Terminal<br />

CCTA Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, UK<br />

CCTLD Country Code Top Level Domain<br />

CCTV Closed Circuit Television<br />

CCU Central Communication/Control Unit<br />

CCU Communications Control Unit<br />

CCU Customer Control Unit<br />

CCUT Computer Center at the University of Tokyo<br />

CCVP Cisco Certified Voice Professional<br />

CCVR Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche<br />

CCW Channel Command Word<br />

CCW Coherent Continuous Wave<br />

CCW Continuous Composite Write (Once Disc)<br />

CCX Cisco Compatible Extension<br />

CD Call Deflection<br />

CD Carrier Detect<br />

CD Chained Data<br />

CD Change Direction/Directory<br />

CD Collision Detection<br />

CD Colour Display<br />

CD Committee Document (ISO)<br />

CD Compact Disk<br />

CD Control Data<br />

CD-R Compact Disk Recordable<br />

CD-RW Compact Disk Re-Writable<br />

CDA Clinical Document Architecture<br />

CDA Communications Decency Act<br />

CDA Compact Disk Audio (track)<br />

CDA Compound Document Architecture (DEC)<br />

CDAS Control and Data Acquisition System<br />

CDATA Character Data<br />

CDB Consolidated Database<br />

CDBS Common Debian Build System<br />

CDBT Compact Disk Based Training<br />

CDC Certificate Distribution Center<br />

CDC Connected Device Configuration<br />

CDC Control Data Corporation (USA)<br />

CDC Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc, cDc communications)<br />

CDD Custom Debian Distribution<br />

CDDA Compact Disc Digital Audio<br />


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